a=sn.split('\t')[0] l.append(a) print(l) #手机序列号列表 #===查找给定路径下,.apk文件=== def filep(fp): apkl=[] namel=os.listdir(fp) for i in namel: if os.path.splitext(i)[1]=='.apk': apkl.append(i) return apkl #print(filep("E:\study\\apk")) path="E:\stu...
脱壳 在分析splitPayLoadFromDex函数时,可以发现它将脱壳之后的apk写入了一个 使用adb命令取出手机中已安装的apk 1、查看手机中安装的apk列表:adb shell pm list package 2、根据包名找出apk在内部存储空间的路径:adb shell pm path com.baicells.voip 3、使用adb pull命令将apk文件导出:adb pull /data/app/com...
adb shell pm install-create -r –p... base2.apk /data/local/tmp/FeatureSplit2.apk 5. adb shell pm install-commit 1237281889 1 2 3 4 5 6 adb-查看手机上的APP包名 。 appium如何获取到APP的启动activity 方法一: adb shell monkey -p 包名 -v -v -v 1 方法二: aapt dump bading apk...
When you run the “pm path” command, it should return multiple APKs. Use the pull command like normal, but download each APK. You’ll need to use a split APK installer to install all the APKs. PowerShell script for Pulling/Downloading all APKs on Device The following PowerShell script...
adb install --user 0 <apk-name>.apk once you are done disconnect: adb disconnect if you have more than device connected to adb, use selector: adb -s <IP>:<PORT> ~~~ Scenario 2: Uninstalling System Apps ~~~Be very careful, don't uninstall vital system apps, unins...
if no SPLIT names specified, otherwise will remove only the splits of the given app. Options are: -k: keep the data and cache directories around after package removal. --user: remove the app from the given user. --versionCode: only uninstall if the app has the given version code. ...
ifno SPLIT names specified, otherwise will remove only the splits of the given app. Options are: -k: keep the data and cache directories around after package removal. --user: remove the app from the given user. --versionCode: only uninstallifthe app has the given version code. ...
Then use the "adb install-multiple" command followed by APK file names. Example:adb install-multiple base.apk split_config.armeabi_v7a.apk split_config.tvdpi.apk Depending on the file size, the command will take a few seconds, and install the app on your Android TV. ...
(command).split('ACTIVITY')tops = [top.strip(' ').strip('\n') for top in tops if top]logger.debug(f'The top activities on device {udid} are: {tops}')return topsdef get_app_package_and_activity(self, udid=None):"""从 com.android.settings/.Settings c4e2e17 pid=3637,获取包名和...
adb -s install test.apk 遇到多设备/模拟器的情况均使用这几个参数为命令指定目标设备,下文中为简化描述,不再重复。 启动/停止 启动adb server 命令: adb start-server (一般无需手动执行此命令,在运行 adb 命令时若发现 adb server 没有启动会自动调起。) 停止adb server 命令: adb kill...