(仅在完成步骤1的情况下才需要) 4.安装后,打开命令提示符(转到“开始”菜单->输入命令提示符->按Enter),然后可以在其中键入adb和fastboot命令。 初学者注意事项: 只需将文件(twrp等,如果有的话)粘贴到桌面,在命令提示符下键入“ cd桌面”(不带引号),然后按Enter键,然后在此处输入ADB和Fastboot命令 屏幕截图: ...
1. ADB驱动 如果你是Windows 7,请安装这个驱动:一加官方adb驱动 如果你是Windows 10及以上系统,则无需安装ADB驱动,因为Windows 10开始已经集成了ADB驱动 2. fastboot驱动 如果你手机CPU是高通的,请安装高通Fastboot驱动,如果电脑系统是64位的,请安装64位Fastboot驱动,如果电脑系统是32位的,请安装32位Fastboot驱动 如...
ADB Fastboot and USB Driver installer tool for Windows, which will always install the latest version.To update the adb fastboot and usb drivers again, just rerun the tool.OS Requirements:Windows 7 and aboveSteps:1. Connect the phone in USB Debugging mode with MTP or File T...
ADB and Fastboot driversare the essentials tools to perform all these tasks. These are responsible to send terminal commands between your device and windows / Mac computer through a USB cable. Though it’s quite simple to set up ADB and Fastboot drivers, there...
I installed both "adb-setup-1.3.exe" (as the newer versions are not working for me) and "minimal_adb_fastboot_v1.4.3_setup.exe". I also installed oneplus drivers. When I entered the command 'adb devices', it was able to detect my phone. but not with 'fas...
My path to adb.exe and fastboot.exe in the "platform-tools" folder was in my Win10 environment variables. Yet running "adb devices" in an administrator command window resulted in a blank listing of devices. This is now fixed after running LGMobileDriver_WHQL_Ver_4.2.0.exe, which did ...
http://www.cnroms.com/adb-and-fastboot-toolkit-with-google-usb-drivers.html 通过电脑管理安卓手机需要的三个最常用的工具包集合,再也不用为了下载这三个小东西而去下载完整的SDK 啦。这工具箱包含了ADB和Fastboot,同时也实现了自动安装最新的驱动程序。
Download the Universal ADB Driver (GUI) for Windows. This tool assists in installing ADB and Fastboot drivers on a Windows computer. As a result, it is compatible with all Android devices, both new and old. NameUniversal ADB Driver
You may get the “ADB command not found” error if you have an outdated version of ADB and Fastboot drivers. Installing the latest SDK platform tools on your PC might fix the problem.Running the ADB command from a location where ‘adb.exe’ is not present might also cause errors....
Download Android USB Drivers, Android ADB Driver and Fastboot Driver for all Android devices from various OEM manufacturers and connect your Android Phone or Tablet to PC or Laptop Computer Successfully.