安装步骤一: step 1. 下载adb&fastboot工具(二选一): https://dl.google.com/android/repository/platform-tools-latest-windows.zip Download Minimal ADB and Fastboot Tool (all versions) step 2. 解压缩文件。(位置随意) Step 3. 设置全局变量。 安装步骤二: 1、下载安装最新版线刷宝;然后打开线刷宝刷机工...
1. ADB Download Download the latest version of ADB and fastboot. http://adbdownload.com/
§https://dl.google.com/android/repository/platform-tools-latest-windows.zip 该工具不须加速便可在迅雷中快速下载。 §Download Minimal ADB and Fastboot Tool (all versions) 这个地址是别人打包好的,直接双击安装就可以使用的,windows版本,适合懒人使用。 安装步骤: step 1. 解压缩文件。(位置随意) Step 2...
Download ADB drivers for Windows 10, 7, 8, 8.1 64 bit/32 bit using 15 seconds ADB Installer (Minimal ADB and fast boot). Setup ADB and Fastboot drivers, the latest Android USB drivers, and Android SDK tools using our easy steps guide. You can fix ADB not recognized, the device not f...
Before this driver fix, Windows 10 could recognize my D800 as an MTP device, and I could copy files to and from my phone and PC. I had Java Version 8 Update 131 (build 1.8.0_131_b11). My path to adb.exe and fastboot.exe in the "platform-tools" folder was in my Win10 environm...
All praise and All Thanks to God ADB Fastboot and USB Driver installer tool for Windows, which will always install the latest version. To update the
1. Download ADB_&_Fastboot++_vXXX.msi 2. Follow the Installers Instructions and select where you would like to install ADB & Fastboot++ 3. After the Installation Wizard has completed you can select to start ADB & Fastboot++ 4. You should see a Command Window open, now you can use ADB ...
1. Download ADB_&_Fastboot++_vXXX.msi 2. Follow the Installers Instructions and select where you would like to install ADB & Fastboot++ 3. After the Installation Wizard has completed you can select to start ADB & Fastboot++ 4. You should see a Command Window open, now you can use ADB ...
Android 官方独立 adb / fastboot 工具包 https://dl.google.com/android/repository/platform-tools-latest-darwin.zip https://dl.google.com/android/repository/platform-tools-latest-linux.zip https://dl.google.com/android/repository/platform-tools-latest-windows.zip...
fastboot flash recovery xxx.img 至于到哪里去下载这个xxx.img的第三方recovery,可以看下面。 刷入成功应该显示OKAY。 fastboot boot xxx.img 刷入成功后接着执行这个命令就可以启动rec啦。 是不是很简单- -。根本没有那么难。 2、解锁bootloader和上锁 ...