print command os.popen(command) # 刷新单图 def refresh_pic(filename, deviceid): cmd_refresh = "adb -s %s shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE -d file:///storage/emulated/0/%s/%s" % (deviceid, sdcard_path[8:], filename) print cmd_refresh subprocess....
adb push <local> <remote> - copy file/dir to device 这就是adb push的使用方法了,这个不用我解释,大家都懂吧。 下面介绍如何使用这个命令: 假设你的文件在D盘的根目录下,比如D:\file.txt 进入DOC后,使用命令:adb push D:\file.txt /system/temp/ 意思是将Windows下D盘根目录下的file.txt文件拷贝到小...
adb install /path/to/app.apk “` – 卸载应用程序: “` adb uninstall “` – 复制文件到设备: “` adb push /path/to/file /sdcard/ “` – 从设备上复制文件到计算机: “` adb pull /sdcard/file /path/to/destination/ “` – 执行命令行: “` adb shell command “` 这些命...
importosimportsubprocessdefadb_push(local_folder,remote_folder):# 检查本地文件夹是否存在ifnotos.path.exists(local_folder):print(f"错误:本地文件夹{local_folder}不存在")return# 构造adb命令command=f"adb push{local_folder}{remote_folder}"# 执行命令,shell=True,text=True...
Push file to any location on your device. Drag-drop the file you want to transfer to your device, or use the browse-function. Information window which tells you if the transfer was completed or, if not, tells you what went wrong. ...
如果带选项重新安装apk时,安装在/data/local/tmp/目录下,手机重启后还是使用原来的apk.文件操作系列adb push <local> <remote> - copy file/dir to deviceadb pull <remote> <local> - copy file/dir from device基本linux shell命令 系列adb shell commandis列出目录下的文件和文件夹cd切换目录rm删除目录和...
adb push crime.apk/sdcard/data/data 清除APP数据: 在开发中,经常会遇到:清空APP缓存数据,然后进行一系列请求。如,清空APP缓存数据,可使用adb shell pm clear com.example.packagename命令。注:该命令清除掉APP的缓存,还能把APP的数据给清空。 查看所有App的名称: 使用如下命令: ...
Android Debug Bridge (adb) is a command line tool that lets you communicate with an emulator or connected Android device. 2. D:\Program Files\platform-tools\adb.exe D:\Program Files\platform-tools
device:设备已连接到 adb 服务器。请注意,此状态并不表示 Android 系统已完全启动并可正常运行,因为在设备连接到 adb 时系统仍在启动。不过,在启动后,这将是设备的正常运行状态。 no device:未连接到设备。 说明:如果包含-l选项,devices命令会告知您设备是什么。如果您连接了多个设备,此信息可帮助您区分这些设备...
Use ADB push to place the file into the root of the device storage. Modify the target path to reflect where the file is located on your PC. adb push C:\users\user\documents\enterprisehomescreen.xml /sdcard/enterprisehomescreen.xml Access the shell by using the below command: adb shell ...