黄色是帧率)注:目前可变刷刷新率三个标准Free Sync、Adaptive Sync、Gsync
Whooshh... He is talking about this new GSync, which is freesync with GSync sticker on it. And The laptop GSync, which was again freesync with GSync...
and I have enabled it that way. Problem is, while the games I play is (mostly) tear free, there are a lot of microstutters. I have read thr GSYNC-101 topic, but couldn't find information about the V-SYNC behaviour when the game runs on dGPU but the display is connected to iGPU...
分享1赞 笔记本吧 boymyliu 求助 天选支持的adaptive sync是什么?有用吗?我之前以为天选支持adaptive sync就是支持 g sync 兼容模式,但好像并不支持,驱动中没找到g sync设置。天选是n卡计算,核显输出,也就是实际上要在amd 核显驱动中打开freesync。 不知道在用独显进行游戏时,到底freesync能不能发挥作用?难不成...
Adaptive Gsync (Coming soon) Adaptive Gsync is an evolution of nvidia's Adaptive vsync. When keeping a consistent framerate for more than ten frames at a strobe compatible framerate Adaptive Gsync will switch to ULMB mode which will then create higher motion clarity, and when the framerate...
Ps to the one trolling @dp1.2a and what not. By free sync2 monitor.. Display Port Version1.2 HDMI Version2.0...
If anyone have install 23.3.1 and still have this freesync(adaptive-sync) problem, please leave message. Thanks! 0 Likes Reply Qoojo In response to stan Miniboss 03-19-2023 11:21 AM Empty heading I feel like this is a 7900-series issue with gsync ultimate monitors. ...
NVIDIA finally got around to realizing that the number of monitors with VESA adaptive-sync overwhelmingly outnumber those supporting NVIDIA G-Sync, and is going ahead with adding support for adaptive-sync monitors. This however, comes with a big rider. NVIDIA is not immediately going to unlock ...
I currently have one of each AMD/Nvidia cards and have an Adaptive Sync monitor so I can run either one of them and still get the benefits of smooth gameplay. As far as I know, Freesync is similar or pretty much the same as Adaptive Sync, but Gsync Premium capable monitors (and some...