Recently, a lot of automatic steering control strategies are proposed for automated vehicles. A nested PID automatic steering control system of vehicle is established in Ref. [2], and the results illustrate that this strategy has the strong robustness to the uncertain vehicle physical parameters. An...
Off-Highway Obstacle Detection - Using millimeter wave radar in the 2005 DARPA Grand Challenge Car manufacturers have successfully used radar for adaptive cruise control (ACC) systems and now offer them as options on luxury models [1]-[3], Adaptations for autonomous vehicle navigation through unstr...
Cell suspension was loaded into a borosilicate glass capillary, and 250 cells were injected into the yolk sac of the dechorionated embryos using a microinjector (Tritech Research). Three hours post injection, embryos were treated with PLX-4032 2 μM or vehicle (DMSO) at 1% dilution in E3 ...
Zaino et al., “Algorithm Analysis and Mapping Environment for Adaptive Computing Systems,” Final Technical Report, DARPA Contract F33615-97-C-1174 (Sep. 2001). Zhang et al., “A 1V Heterogeneous Reconfigurable Processor IC for Baseband Wireless Applications,” 2000 IEEE Solid. Altera Apex...