Adaptive Federated Learning Setup Resource Definition Baselines DGD and SGD Models and Datasets Data Distribution at Different Nodes Training and Control Parameters PRELIMINARIES AND DEFINITIONS Loss Function The definition of "loss function" here: Each model has a loss function defined on its parameter ...
# so that the state of model can be still used by control algorithm later.ifhasattr(model,'create_graph'):model.create_graph(learning_rate=step_size)ifhasattr(model2,'create_graph'):model2.create_graph(learning_rate=step_size)
内容提示: 1Adaptive Federated Learning in ResourceConstrained Edge Computing SystemsShiqiang Wang, Tiffany Tuor, Theodoros Salonidis, Kin K. Leung,Christian Makaya, Ting He, Kevin ChanAbstract—Emerging technologies and applications includingInternet of Things (IoT), social networking, and crowd-sourcing...
Communication-efficient asynchronous federated learning in resource-constrained edge computing Federated learning (FL) has been widely used to train machine learning models over massive data in edge computing. However, the existing FL solutions may c... J Liu,H Xu,Y Xu,... - 《Computer Networks...
Adaptive Federated Learning in Resource Constrained Edge Computing Systems This repository includes source code for the paper S. Wang, T. Tuor, T. Salonidis, K. K. Leung, C. Makaya, T. He, and K. Chan, "Adaptive federated learning in resource constrained edge computing systems," IEEE Journ...
Resource managementEdge artificial intelligenceHeterogeneous cluster networksEdge computingFederated learningIn the rapidly growing Internet of Things (IoT) landscape, federated learning (FL) plays a crucial role in enhancing the performance of heterogeneous edge computing environments due to its scalability, ...
Learning for Exception Dynamic Service Caching in 5G-Enabled MECs with Bursty Us 17 -- 25:18 App Privacy-assured and Lightweight On-chain Auditing of Decentralized Storage 68 -- 15:56 App Resource-Efficient and Convergence-Preserving Online Participant Selection in Fe 6 -- 23:42 App A Learn...
百度文库 其他 adaptive personalized federated learningadaptive personalized federated learning adaptive personalized federated learning翻译为:自适应个性化联邦学习。©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文库协议 | 网站地图 | 百度营销 ...
文章的其他实验对损失值、准确率、不同边缘节点数目、不同时延约束的情况都做了讨论,简直不要太全面。 以后还会回来细品。 参考 ^Adaptive Federated Learning in Resource Constrained Edge Computing Systems
《Adaptive Federated Learning 》笔记 这篇论文的名字是Adaptive Federated Learning,它的会议版本是发了18年的infocom,当时的名字叫WhenEdge Meets learning,有意思的是当时这篇文章里提的是Distributed Learning,而几乎没有提到FederatedLearning,只在实验部分的baseline里提到了,但在期刊版本里内容几乎没改动,但是把title...