In this paper, an adaptive feature fusion is introduced into feature pyramid network for extracting richer pest features. Then, an adaptive augmentation module has been developed for reducing the information loss of the highest-level feature maps. Finally, a two-stage region-based convolutional ...
The bottom-up pyramid is induced by a convolutional neural network as its layers of feature maps. The top-down pyramid is formed by progressive up-sampling of a highly semantic yet low-resolution feature map at the top of the bottom-up pyramid. At each up-sampling step, feature maps of ...
In this paper, we propose a model for UAV detection called DoubleM-Net, which contains multi-scale spatial pyramid pooling-fast (MS-SPPF) and Multi-Path Adaptive Feature Pyramid Network (MPA-FPN). DoubleM-Net utilizes the MS-SPPF module to extract feature maps of multiple receptive field ...
We enhance lateral connections within the Feature Pyramid Network (FPN) with deformable convolution. Experimental outcome reveal that the proposed method attains mean average precision of 84.2%. Additionally, other performance metrics were evaluated, and outperforming all other methods used for comparison....
In this paper, we present an Adaptive Double Pyramid Network (ADPNet) for real-time detection of arbitrary-shaped text, which sets a Double Feature Enhancement Pyramid using Packet Downsampling Units (PDUnits) to enhance feature maps with a minimal amount of processing. The performance of ADP...
为此,我们提出了一个基于自适应混合金字塔的局部修图框架(ABPN: Adaptive Blend Pyramid Network for Real-Time Local Retouching of Ultra High-Resolution Photo, CVPR2022,[27]),以实现超高分辨率图像的精细化局部修图,下面我们对其实现细节进行介绍。 3.1 网络整体结构 ...
3D IFPN: improved feature pyramid network for automatic segmentation of gastric tumor. Front Oncol. 2021;11:618496. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Zhang Y, Li H, Du J, Qin J, Wang T, Chen Y, Liu B, Gao W, Ma G, Lei B. 3D multi-attention guided multi-task ...
Feature Pyramid Networks for Object Detection[J]. computer vision and pattern recognition, 2017: 936-944.],后来的注意力特征金字塔[Li H, Xiong P, An J, et al. Pyramid Attention Network for Semantic Segmentation[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.10180, 2018.],更别说众所周知的DenseNet了。
·We propose MAEG-Net, a multi-scale adaptive feature fusion network based on edge-guidance, to mitigate the effects of large tumor size variations and ambiguous boundary regions in segmentation tasks. ·An advanced adaptive feature fusion module is proposed to enhance the multi-scale expression ab...
Since the feature pyramid net- work (FPN) [46] is attached to the last three stages of the backbone network, we do not replace the convolution layer in the first stage and ablate the replacement strategy in the last three stages. The ablation experiments are conducted on ...