Discover the Maserati Adaptive Cruise Control: it increases your driving comfort combining the ease of a regular cruise control with enhanced security.
There are 2 versions of this advanced safety system,Adaptive Cruise ControlandAdaptive Cruise Control with Stop and Go. As mentioned above, theACCis a feature that maintains the vehicle at a constant speed and allows the vehicle to increase or decrease the speed based on the distance from the ...
An automotive vehicle includes engine start/stop (ESS) and adaptive cruise control with stop and go functionality (ACCS&G). A method of coordinating operation of the ESS and ACCS&G systems is provided. The ACCS&G system brings the vehicle to a stop. After a delay and satisfaction of auto...
adaptive cruise control是什么意思 自适应巡航控制(Adaptive Cruise Control,简称ACC)是一种先进的驾驶辅助系统。它能够根据前方车辆的速度和距离,自动调整本车速度,以维持与前车之间的安全距离。这一系统旨在提升行驶安全性,降低驾驶者的压力,并优化道路交通效率。ACC系统通过车载雷达或激光测距仪等传感器,精准感知...
However, if the road is empty it will drive the car at the maximum speed set by the driver. It can be activated at a speed of 30 km/h or above. Whereas, adaptive cruise control with stop and go feature can be activated below 30 km/h. ...
如果指示灯闪烁,那么不要马上开动汽车。指示灯闪烁时表示汽车处 于极限高水平高度。例如,从汽车上取下很重的负载时,汽车可能会急剧 升高 (极限高水平高度)。一旦汽车的高度重新保持平衡,指示灯便会停 止闪烁,于是您便可以开动汽车了。如果此指示灯与指示灯一起闪烁,则不要立即开动汽车,以免损 ...
Cruise control isn’t very useful at low speeds, or in areas where there are many stop signs or traffic lights. With cruise control engaged, you don’t have to keep your foot on the accelerator pedal or work to maintain a consistent speed. This means you can more easily adjust your ...
ACC系統( Adaptive Cruise Control ),全名是主動式車距調節巡航系統,講白話點就是「自動跟車」,利用車前的雷達偵測來調整與前方汽車的距離,並且自動調整車速,降低駕駛在長時間中/高速的路況下所產生的疲勞感,進而提升行車安全。 舉例來說,假使你需要在高速公路上開長途的車,若汽車裝ACC的話,那你只要顧好方向盤,油...
案例详情 基本信息 广告品牌:福特 发布日期:2018-01 行业领域:轿车,出行工具,汽车/工具 媒体类别:TVC,短视频,户外 广告语言:英语 媒介平台:网络 综合评分 0 暂无评分 创意 0 文案 0 视觉 0 创作者 案例详情 涵盖全球100万精选案例,涉及2800个行业,包含63000个品牌 ...
Adaptive Cruise Control is a relatively new feature for the motorcycle industry generally and, in contrast to some other brands, KTM include the tech as a standard on their KTM 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE S. Developed in close conjunction with Bosch, the system uses radar technology to regulate the ...