Adaptive AUTOSAR is the new standard for architectures built on HPCs, providing support for interconnectivity and real-time updates.
AUTOSAR是AUTOmotive Open SystemArchitecture(汽车开放系统架构)的首字母缩写,由汽车制造商,供应商以及工具开发商联合开发。 英文:AUTomotive Open SystemArchitecture 缩写:AUTOSAR 中文:汽车开放系统架构 AUTOSAR是由全球汽车制造商、部件供应商及其他电子、半导体和软件系统公司联合建立,各成员保持开发合作伙伴关系。自2003...
-> 自适应应用程序 ID(AAID):自适应应用程序的建模 ID 由 AUTOSAR Process表示; -> 自适应应用程序标识符:是AAID(即AUTOSAR Process)的参照器,,正好指向一个AAID。 1.2 框架的范围和重点: IAM 框架为 AUTOSAR 自适应平台堆栈和自适应应用程序的开发人员提供了一种机制,以便对每个应用程序的意图进行建模,根...
AUTOSAR AP的特点: 为了支持复杂的应用程序,并在并行处理和计算资源分配上具有最大的灵活性和可扩展性,AP采用面向服务的通讯架构(Service Oriented Architecture, SOA)。SOA主要基于以下概念:系统由一组服务构成,其中一个可使用另外一个的服务,应用程序Applications可根据自己的需要使用一个或多个服务;此外服务可以在应...
Standards vary in size, scope and detail, and it would be easy to think of AUTomotive Open Systems ARchitecture (AUTOSAR) as just another standard. In fact, it is so huge that it is hard to imagine any one individual having detailed knowledge of it all. ...
Adaptive AUTOSAR is the new standard for architectures built on HPCs, providing support for interconnectivity and real-time updates.
Adaptive AUTOSAR is the new standard for architectures built on HPCs, providing support for interconnectivity and real-time updates.
Adaptive AUTOSAR is the new standard for architectures built on HPCs, providing support for interconnectivity and real-time updates.
Adaptive AUTOSAR is the new standard for architectures built on HPCs, providing support for interconnectivity and real-time updates.