Audi adaptive air suspension 发布于2023.6.8 17:15 次播放棘轮Guy 关注0人2779粉丝关注 评论·0 提交评论 暂无更多评论 热门视频 © 2025 懂车帝 渝公网安备50010502503425号 渝ICP备2023013619号-7 增值电信业务经营许可证(告渝B2-20230001)广播电视节目制作经营许可证 公司名称:重庆懂车帝科技...
As well as varying the firmness of the suspension, it can often raise or lower the ride height, which is why it’s standard on top-spec versions of many premiumSUVmodels, such as theAudi Q6 e-tron,BMW iX,Land Rover DefenderandRange Rover. Other types of adaptive suspension Citroen has ...
Adaptive headlights are an amazing technology found in many Audis, where the headlights turn along with the steering wheel to illuminate the road around curves. It's a great feature, but it comes with its own set of complicated problems. If the adaptive headlights fail, you'll most likely s...