Wolves rank among the most social of carnivores, so it's not surprising they have evolved such diverse forms of communication. The most dramatic form of wolf-to-wolf communication, howling, serves to locate separated pack members and advertise a pack's territory, as a wolf howl may be audibl...
Their main predator is the arctic wolf which hunts them in packs, grizzly and polar bears may take juveniles or infirm older animals.Musk oxen live in small family and extended groups in the summer of as few as 5 animals, in the winter they may join other animals and form groups of up...
arctic wolf facts - Basics Average Weight: 32 to 70kg (70-155 lbs) Average Length: 100 to 180 cm long (3.2-5.9 feet).Breeding Pattern: As with other kinds of wolves, only the top ranking alpha and beta females in a pack will be allowed to mate and reproduce. This ensures that ...
Though a better anthology than Creepshow 2, this one is less of a Stephen King movie. Born from the success of George A. Romero's Tales from the Darkside TV series (1983-1988), the film features horror shorts from various writers, including Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. King's entry, an ...
In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: html_title Innocence Abducted: Youth, War, and the Wolf in Literary Adaptations of the Pied Piper Legend from Robert Browning to Michel Tournier /html_title Peter Arnds (bio) With the Enlightenment in the eighteenth century co...
The gray wolf is commonly known as the timber wolf in the United States and is the largest of the dog family. It has a gray, black and white coat, with tan markings on the legs and muzzle. The timber wolf can weigh up to 120 lbs. and can reach up to three feet in height. The...
A premature stop codon occurs in the gene encoding GPx1 (GPX1) in both the NMR and DMR (Figure S2B), and knockout of this gene in mice results in cataract formation (Reddy et al., 2001, Wang et al., 2009, Wolf et al., 2005). Adaptations to Hypoxia and a High Carbon Dioxide ...
Walk through a cinema lobby or listen in on any pub conversation and you’ll hear it, the constant complaint of the booklover. Stay very quiet and you may even be able to hear it now, carried along ghost-like on the wind: “The book was better!” Wherevera screen adaptationexists, so...
The world of arachnid reproduction is a world like no other. This lesson will delve into this bizarre and fascinating world, exploring examples and...
Daniele MatteiAndranik IvanovJacqueline HammerBilge UgursuSina SchalbetterJuliet RichettoUlrike Weber-StadlbauerFlavia MuellerJoseph ScarboroughSusanne A WolfBrain, Behavior and Immunity