A population is a defined group of organisms. In terms of evolutionary science, a population usually refers to a group of organisms that have reproductive access to each other. For example, zebras that live on the plains of Africa are a population. If other wild zebras lived in South America...
The term ‘domain’ is weakly defined; In medical imaging it may suggest data from a specific hardware (scanner), set of acquisition parameters, reconstruction method or hospital. It could, less frequently, also refer to characteristics of the population included, for example the gender, ethnicity...
theory of evolution. Beginning in the 1960s, a related scientificdiscipline,molecular biology, enormously advanced knowledge of biological evolution and made it possible to investigate detailed problems that had seemed completely out of reach only a short time previously—for example, how similar the...
The feeling of hot and cold is an adaptation to the sensation of touch. A primary example is how quickly our bodies adjust to the water temperature when taking a bath. The bathwater may feel extremely hot when entering the tub; however, within minutes the water may feel cool to the touch...
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Numerical analysis of the stability of nonequilibrium 3D evolutionary transfer processes in the network Analytical methods for solving various problems of an applied nature (for example, non-stationary transfer problems over network hydro, gas and heat carriers), whose mathematical models use the formali...
Knowledge and passive adaptation to climate change: An example from Indian farmers. Clim. Risk Manag., in press, 2016.Tripathi, A., & Mishra, A. K. (2016). Knowledge and passive adaptation to climate change: An example from Indian farmers. Climate Risk Management. http://dx.doi.org/...
Genetic variation in polygenic traits has been less studied, but results on human height, for example, suggest small effects in many loci. Combining different phenotype and population genetics approaches using an explicit theoretical framework can provide strong total evidence even if individual methods ...
For example, bees use the scent marks they deposit when visiting a flower as an olfactory cue to minimize the risk of revisiting recently emptied flowers (Giurfa 1992, Giurfa 1993, Goulson 2000, Saleh 2006). In order to test the adaptive benefits of bees’ ability to respond to these ...
Theoretical studies of adaptation have exploded over the past decade. This work has been inspired by recent, surprising findings in the experimental study of adaptation. For example, morphological evolution sometimes involves a modest number of genetic c