Repayment of all promoter loans linked to share prices, equity, and bank loans raised by multiple group entities at competitive rates reflects restored access to funding. In our view, rated entities Adani Electricity Mumbai Ltd. (AEML) and Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Ltd. (APSEZ) enj...
The $3 per tonne is collected from ship owners and not from cargo owners to discourage them from taking the balance coal to other ports such as Visakhapatnam, Paradip or Haldia for discharge. “APSEZ want monopoly over coal cargo arriving on capesize s...
Sometimes an ‘unexpected’ happens and you need cash to negotiate that ‘unexpected’. So you lay your hand on your stock for this financial emergency. Or you may find the stocks in your investment portfolio not matching your moral and ethical values and you sell them. The stock falling to...