DESCRIPTIONChromogenic ELISA for the quantitative determination of ADAMTS13 activity in human plasma. ADAMTS13 is an enzyme that specifically cleaves large von Willebrand Factor multimers, which induce platelet thrombus formation under high shear stress. If the activity of ADAMTS13 is lowered for some ...
In patients with immune-mediated thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (iTTP), a rare life threatening disease, ADAMTS13 is targeted by autoantibodies that inhibit its activity or promote its clearance. In the absence of ADAMTS13, VWF polymers are not adequately processed, resulting in spontaneous ...
, Fehr, J. , Bombeli, T.(2006)Novel,sem1-automated, 60-min-assay to determine von Willebrandfactorcleaving activity of ADAMTS-13. Thrombosis Res. 118:723-731 则描述了一种经改进的方法,可以将培养时间缩减至60分钟。US 2007/0065895A1和US 2005/0186646A1所揭示的方法是以具有特异性ADAMTS-13蛋白...
vwf含量可例如根据图雷切克(turecek)等人,胶原结合酶联免疫吸附分析和瑞斯托西汀辅助因子活性分析检测冯威里氏因子功能活性的比较研究(comparative study on collagen-binding enzyme-linked lmmunosorbent assay and ristocetin cofactor activity assays for detection of functional activity of von willebrand factor),血栓...
【Methods】Totally64patients with acute PTE and30healthy controls were included.Collected clinical data and detected the plasma vWF activity and ADAMTS-13activity by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay(Elisa).The correlation be⁃tween ADAMTS-13activity and other clinical indexes was explored.Receiver ...
Whitelock JL, Nolasco L, Bernardo A, Moake J, Dong JF, Cruz MA. ADAMTS-13 activity in plasma is rapidly measured by a new eLISA method that uses recombinant VWF-A2 domain as substrate. J Thromb Haemost. 2004;2: 485-491. Zhou W, Tsai HM. An enzyme immunoassay of ADAMTS13 distinguishe...
ADAMTS-13 activity in plasma is rapidly measured by a new ELISA method that uses recombinant VWF-A2 domain as substrate. J Thromb Haemost. 2004;2(3):485–91.Whitelock JL, Nolasco L, Bernardo A, Moake J, Dong J-F, Cruz MA (2004) ADAMTS-13 activity in plasma is rapidly measured by ...
nosorbentassay(ELISA) withanti—GSTandanti—Hismonoclonalantibodies.GST—vWF73一HandGST— vWF114一HwereusedtomeasureplasmaADAMTS13activityassubstrates.Results Twosmallmolecular substratesofADAMTS13,GST—vWF73一HandGST—vW¨ 14一H.areexpressedandpurified.whichcouldbe ...
ADAMTS-13 activity in plasma is rapidly measured by a new ELISA method that uses recombinant VWF-A2 domain as substrate Measurement of ADAMTS-13 activity is a clinical utility for thrombotic diseases, but the current assays used for diagnostic and clinical research are non-... J.,L.,Whitelock...
及累及的器官数,于发病第1、3、5、7天分别运用ELISA法检测其血浆vWF活性及 ADAMTS13活性,同时计算其比值,应用SPSS13.0软件统计,各计量资料数据均采 用 x ±SD表示,各样本均数用方差分析、受试者工作特征(receiveroper—ating characteristic,ROC)曲线分析、参数间进行Spearman相关分析,P<0.05为差异有统计 ...