Adam Smith(亚当·史密斯)简介 《国富论》的历史背景 与《国富论》相关的其他书籍 关于《国富论》的关键事实 《国富论》的额外加分 《国富论》摘要 《国富论》主题 1. 劳动力、市场和增长 2. 资本积累和投资 3. 机构和善治 4. 商业主义和自由贸易 5. 金钱和银行 《国富论》引文 《国富论》人物角色 《国富论》术...
斯密重点强调劳动分工会引起生产的大量增长,抨击了阻碍工业发展的一整套腐朽的、武断的政治限制。 《国富论》的中心思想是看起来似乎杂乱无章的自由市场实际上是个自行调整机制,自动倾向于生产社会最迫切需要的货品种类的数量。例如,如果某种需要的产品供应短缺,其价格自然上升,价格上升会使生产商获得较高的利润,由于利润...
[国富论--亚当斯密].Smith,.Adam.-.The.Wealth.Of.Nations.pdf 下载积分: 1500 内容提示: An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes ofTHE WEALTHOF NATIONSAdam SmithELECBOOK CLASSICS 文档格式:PDF | 页数:1281 | 浏览次数:536 | 上传日期:2009-03-18 10:53:11 | 文档星级: ...
《The Wealth of Nations 国富论 英文原版 亚当斯密 Adam Smith 西方经济学理论 经济学说 宏观经济学 全英文版正版进口英语书籍》,作者:The Wealth of Nations 国富论 英文原版 亚当斯密 Adam Smith 西方经济学理论 经济学说 宏观经济学 全英文版正版进口英语书籍Adam Smit
Adam Smith and The Nature And Sources Of The Wealth Of Nations Adam Smith has been regarded to be the father of modern economics, and many of his ideas have been integrated the nations in the present day western world. His major work was "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the We...
Adam Smith believed that there is an absolute standard of virtue, that acting by this standard represented the perfection of moral character, and that a community of individuals who achieved this ideal would enjoy the greatest possible Wealth of Nations. However, Smith did not believe we can ...
Smith believed humans ultimately promote public interest through their everyday economic choices. In "The Wealth of Nations", he wrote: He generally, indeed, neither intends to promote the public interest, nor knows how much he is promoting it. By preferring the support of domestic to that of...
国富论》原文中一段话的中文版本的对照翻译!要求是中文版的翻译 机不要,我也是在做一个书的翻译.In the Wealth of Nations,Adam Smith (1