2007, that it would be their last show. By that point, the drummer had been struggling with her mental health, with anxiety becoming an all-too-powerful force. Jack White once described his bandmate and former wife as “a very shy girl, a very...
Temptation [34]5. Mad About the Boy (High Drama) #Adam Lambert [32] Kevin Karhan :verified:@georgetakei Actually
Thanks to robertalambertblog.com, for the photo. – – Filed under: Christ...or Not Christ, Lent, Pastor Mark Anderson, Sermon | Leave a comment » Christian Growth Posted on March 5, 2015 by theoldadam – Discipleship. Christian growth. Pastor Mark gives us the Lutheran take on it...
It wasn’t until I met people my same age from all over the world (doing very different things than what I was doing) that I was inspired to take some action. It just seemed unfair to think they had all these amazing stories to tell, and here I was, beginning to feel more and mor...