good part (good part of old clunker’s underside has been rusted away) (ph.) 相当部分(老爷车的车底相当部分已经被锈蚀掉)他说: “我的老爷车的车底相当部分已经被锈蚀掉, 但引擎还完美地运作.”He said: “A good part of my old clunker’s underside has been rusted away, but the engine still...
My boss is good at digging himself into a hole, and I'm there to bail him out. territory (venturing into uncharted territories) (n.) 领域(冒险进入未知的领域)在我成长中每一天,我似乎都在冒险进入未知的领域。As I was growing up, every day I seemed to be venturing into uncharted ...
His grandmother bakes good cookies. can’t get blood out of a stone (tax these poor people all you want, but you can’t get blood out of a stone) (ph.) 不能从石头里榨取血(任从这些穷人征税,但你不能从石头里榨取血)他说:“你可以任从这些穷人征税,但你不能从石头里榨取血。”He said...
Lady Beware: Directed by Dennis Donnelly. With Martin Milner, Kent McCord, William Boyett, Eric Shea. The officers spot a girl in a park by a school who has been raped by a serial rapist in the area. They accompany Sgt. Gloria Tyler to help teach a class
He said, “Looking at these vibrant and bubbly kids triggers memory of those good old days when I was at their age.” bright (math wiz-kid is exceptionally bright) (adj.) 聪明(数学奇才孩子非常聪明)这个数学奇才孩子非常聪明This math wiz-kid is exceptionally bright. authority (department head...
There’s little stigma attached to an executive who has lost his job in a corporate reshuffle, and a good one can quickly find a new post. eye (I couldn’t believe my eyes) (n.) 眼睛(我不能够相信我的眼睛)她对她的朋友说: “我不能够相信我自己的眼睛当我看到在小学是过重和笨拙的孩子...
The only good thing you can say about this social butterfly at the office is she organizes good parties. museum (this invention will soon become a museum piece)(n.)博物馆(这发明将会很快成为博物馆物品) 在闪电般快速度的科技进展下这最顶尖的发明将会很快成为博物馆物品 ...
Fall of Man- (Judeo-Christian mythology) when Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden, God punished them by driving them out of the Garden of Eden and into the world where they would be subject to sickness and pain and eventual...
· The all-around high school graduate is a good candidate for the Ivy League school. [OK] 25. shellMeaning: something hollow or empty (there are other meanings as well)Synonyms: remains; skeleton;Example: · At age 40 and plagued with injuries as of late, the once basketball great is...
The guide gave a tour group a full lowdown on the nearby good eating places from the hotel. tiny (wasn’t a tiny bit of truth) (adj.) 小点(没有一小点儿真实性)他说的话中没有一小点儿真实性There wasn’t a tiny bit of truth in what he said. fruit (fruit punch) (n.) 水果(...