ADAM Audio A7X in use Lost Ark Studios, San Diego The first version of the Lost Ark Studio in San Diego, California was opened in early 2010. Back then ... Read more Composer-Arranger-Orchestrator Joe Trapanese In just a few years, Joe Trapanese has earned a reputation as a successful ...
ADAM Audio A7X 监听音箱商品品牌:ADAM Audio 商品状态:现货 商品点击数:3848 用户评价: 市场价格:¥13200元 本站售价:¥11000元商品描述: 相关商品 商品相册 延续传奇的A7X 当初,30多篇炽热的评论、众多的奖项以及无数的“粉丝”使得A7这一刚刚被新型号所取代的前辈成为近场监听扬声器领域中的一个传奇。而今,...
型号:ADAM AUDIO A7X 类型:录音棚专业两分频7寸低音有源音箱 外壳材质:碳/Rohacell/玻璃纤维 阻抗:30 k惟Ω 重量:9.2 kgkg 供应商信息 季梦儒 地址: 中国 北京 北京市朝阳区高碑店民俗文化街1071号中泰大厦西楼216 公司主页:// ...
About $400 more than Adam Audio's comparably sized, budget-priced F-Series model, the F7, the A7X is one of the best all around reference-grade powered studio monitors I've discovered on the market, at any price. At $749 street each, the A7X is firmly within the mid-level powered ...
ADAM AUDIO A7X AND SUB8 es the X-ART (Extended Accelerated Ribbon Technology – up to 50kHz) er. The woofer has been redesigned with a much bigger voice coil (1.5") and is driven by an amplifier with twice the power compared to its predecessor.This combination produces an amazing sound...
Follow Us!ADAM AUDIO A7X, SUB8 & SUB-15 STUDIO MONITORS The A7X matches the X-ART (Extended Accelerated Ribbon Technology – up z) tweeter with a state-of-the art 7" woofer. The woofer has been redesigned with a much bigger voice coil (1.5") and is driven by an amplifier with ...
ADAM AUDIO A7X概述: A7X 是ADAM Audio最畅销的近场监听音箱,也是目前市场上最为平衡、全面的专业录音监听音箱之一。X-ART技术的高频单元令其中频与中高频的表现能长时间保持高度的精确性,没有失真,同时也不会令听者感到疲劳。尽管A7X的体积不大,但其低频响应具有冲击力,而且十分的精确。A7X通透且具有层次感的音色...
ADAM Professional Audio - A7X A7X带有X-ART高音功能,新设计的7”中/低音单元具有更大的1.5”音圈。一个50W的A/B放大器来驱动X-ART高音,100W的 Pulse Width Modulation放大器驱动中/低音单元。前面板包括一个电源开关和一个控制音量来保留独立音量的on/off开关。后面板上有几个额外的控制:一个高频率(±4dB)...
ADAM AUDIO A7X概述: A7X 是ADAM Audio最畅销的近场监听音箱,也是目前市场上最为平衡、全面的专业录音监听音箱之一。X-ART技术的高频单元令其中频与中高频的表现能长时间保持高度的精确性,没有失真,同时也不会令听者感到疲劳。尽管A7X的体积不大,但其低频响应具有冲击力,而且十分的精确。A7X通透且具有层次感的音色...