Figure 4. VOUTand VINat 4.7 µF capacitor in a Scopy plot. With Scope Channel 2 connected across shunt, the 10 Ω resistor RS, use the measure feature to obtain the peak and average value of the current. Compare the average value with the DC in the 2.2 kΩ load resistor RLyou ...
Remember, you must have the Scopy software running and have turned on the power supplies before measuring the voltages with the voltmeter. Unity-Gain Amplifier (Voltage Follower) Background: Our first op amp circuit, shown in Figure 2, is a simple one. This is called a unity-gain buffer, ...
Scopy 使用指南 Scope是一个具有强大信号分析能力的多功能软件工具包. Scopy 使用指南 6. Alice 使用指南 本文档用作ALICE桌面软件界面的用户指南,该界面是为与ADALM2000主动学习工具包硬件一起使用而编写 的. Alice 使用指南 20 / 20 http-equiv="content-type" ...
Connect Scope Channel 1 to the output of the RC filter at C1 to observe the filtered (DC) output of the phase detector. Connect Scope Channel 2 to the output C of the XOR gate to observe the pulse width of the output of the logic gate. A Scopy plot example is presented in Figure 8...
Download the SAR ADC script and run it using the Scopy interface. The digital code is updated using the successive approximation method based on the feedback received from the comparator output. Visualize the approximation behavior of the DAC output in time domain using the Oscilloscope. A plot ...
Plot the two waveforms using the oscilloscope provided by the Scopy tool. The disadvantage of this circuit is that now two diode drops are in series with the load and the peak value of the rectified output is less than the ac input by...
Figure 3. Scopy plot of a common source amplifier test circuit. The voltage gain, A, of the common source amplifier can be expressed as the ratio of load resistor RL to the small signal source resistance rs. The transconductance, gm, of the transistor is a function of the drain current ...
Scopy plot—R4 set to 0 Ω. Let’s apply the concept of the zero-gain amplifier. Now adjust R4 and observe the slope of the curve change. At what value of R4 is the curve nearly vertical? Why is that value the correct value for zero gain? Figure 12. Scopy plot—R4 set to ...
The ADALM2000 is an active learning module that features a digital oscilloscope, function generator, logic analyzer, voltmeter, spectrum, and digital bus analyzer, along with two programmable power supplies. For basic users or students, Scopy can be used to interface with the ADALM2000. Fo...
Start the Scopy software. Open the Pattern Generator screen. Select and group DIO0 to DIO7. Now edit the parameters. Set the pattern to Binary Counter. The output should be PP (for push-pull). Set the frequency for 256 kHz. You should see something that looks like the screen shown in...