ADALM-PLUTO 软件定义无线电主动学习模块 立即购买 概览 文档 讨论 用户手册 1 查看全部 设计与集成文件 1 查看全部 概览 优势和特点 产品详情 独立自足的便携式RF学习模块 高性价比实验平台 基于ADI公司的AD9363--高度集成的RF捷变收发器和Xilinx® Zynq Z-7010 FPGA RF频率范围:325 MHz至3.8 GHz 瞬时...
高性价比实验平台 基于ADI公司的AD9363--高度集成的RF捷变收发器和Xilinx® Zynq Z-7010 FPGA RF频率范围:325 MHz至3.8 GHz 瞬时带宽最高达20 MHz 灵活速率、12位ADC和DAC 一个发射器和一个接收器,半双工或全双工 支持MATLAB®、Simulink® GNU无线电吸电流和源电流模块 ...
The PlutoSDR Active Learning Module is a tool that closes the relationship between theory and practical radio frequency activities of the user. It provides a personal portable lab that, when used with a host, can augment the learning that takes place in the classroom. A variety of software pac...
adalm pluto 学习(一) ADALMPLUTO入手测试 包装盒很结实。内部包装也很赞。 附件包括:两根天线,一根MICRO USB2.0的线,一根射频直连线,还有就是主角plutosdr 比想象中的要大一点。但是一手能...USB存储设备中的CONGFIG文件中找到。 迫不及待的设置一个频率扫一下900M的GSM 噪底稍高,毛刺有点多。估计交调和杂散...
The ADALM-PLUTO Active Learning Module (PlutoSDR) is an easy-to-use tool available from Analog Devices Inc. (ADI) that can be used to introduce fundamentals of software-defined radio (SDR) or radio frequency (RF) or
Next, he tries SDR-Console V3, and finds that he is able to connect to the LibreSDR via ethernet with this software. Matt goes on to test his QO-100 setup, replacing his PlutoSDR with the LibreSDR, noting that the VCTXO in the LibreSDR works great to prevent any signal drift. ...
前面提到,PLUTO适用于所有人,能做的事情非常的多。下面是它的三个典型应用案例。期待大家能在Funpack活动里、在新的一年里用它做出更多有趣的应用。我们1月直播间见! 基于ADALM-PLUTO的22GHz 频谱分析仪 基于ADALM-PLUTO的标量网络分析仪测量S21参数 上位机:
Analog Devices’ wireless communication tools with software defined radio (SDR), ARM® Cortex®-A9 for students, hobbyists, and educatorsADI’s ADALM-PLUTO is the ideal learning tool/module for radio frequency (RF), software defined radio (SDR), and wireless communications. Each ADALM-PLUTO ...
Issues dealing with the ADALM Pluto firmware itself (building the firmware, flashing the firmware, etc.) should go as issues in the plutosdr-fw repository. Issues having to do with Maia SDR (software or FPGA bugs, features requests, etc.) should go as issues in the maia-sdr repository. ...
The PlutoSDR includes a button (S1on the PCB), and twoUSBconnectors. The button can be defined by software, it is normally held on with a paper clip or thumb tack during power on to put the device into a recovery mode. It can be re-purposed to do other things. ...