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绝对大气压力传感器 支持SPI和IIC接口 量程:0~20000hPa(百帕) 2 开发板测评 第一步:快速评测,直接使用官方编译好的固件 CLUE固件下载方式非常简单,将开发板上电后,按住A键不松,再按复位按键,就会进入到U盘升级模式,此时电脑中会出现一个U盘,名称为CLUEBOOT。此时,将资料文件夹内的CLUE_TEST.UF2文件复制进去,即...
对于其他具有独立+ 5V DC电源的Arduino板NeoPixels::将配电板上的+ 5V输入连接至电源的+(正)端子(请勿连接至Arduino),将DIN连接至Arduino的数字引脚6,以及–(减号或板上的GND)必须连接到直流电源上的两者减号(–)端子《《》和Arduino上的GND引脚(通常有多个-任何都可以)。 144个像素条是如此紧密地包装在一起,...
# 128x64 display with hardware SPI: # disp = Adafruit_SSD1306.SSD1306_128_64(rst=RST, dc=DC, spi=SPI.SpiDev(SPI_PORT, SPI_DEVICE, max_speed_hz=8000000)) # Alternatively you can specify a software SPI implementation by providing # digital GPIO pin numbers for all the required display ...
to a FireBeetle-ESP32 board in a newly installed Arduino IDE 1.x or 2.x you get errors in how SPI are used in the FireBeetle-ESP32. I do not get this error if I change to another ESP32 board… C:\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Adafruit_BusIO\Adafruit_SPIDevice.cpp: In member function...
另一方面,各个模块中驻留有特定硬件功能,例如:analogio 模块代表模拟;digitalio 模块代表数字;busio 模块代表 I2C、SPI 和 UART;pulseio 模块代表 PWM 和其他基于脉冲的协议等。因此,要在 CircuitPython 中读取 A0 模拟输入,只需导入相关模块,并读取相关器件实例的值(列表 3)。
This chip is powerful and useful to have when you want to use Python (for example) to quickly iterate and test a device that uses I2C, SPI or plain general purpose I/O. There's no firmware to deal with, so you don't have to deal with how to "send data to and from an Arduino ...
Adafruit CircuitPython BusDevice TheI2CDeviceandSPIDevicehelper classes make managing transaction state on a bus easy. For example, they manage locking the bus to prevent other concurrent access. For SPI devices, it manages the chip select and protocol changes such as mode. For I2C, it manages ...
Learn about common serial protocols for talking to hardware like sensors, actuators, and more. This guide shows how to use the I2C and SPI protocols in CircuitPython to read two temperature sensors.
The default address space is 8 KByte for the smallest FRAM device. If you are using a larger FRAM device like the 4Mbit / 512 KByte usemax_sizeduring constructor initialization. Download File Copy Code fram= adafruit_fram.FRAM_SPI(spi, cs, max_size =524288) ...