#include <Adafruit_GFX.h> // Core graphics library #include <Adafruit_ILI9341.h> // Hardware-specific library #include <SdFat.h> // SD card & FAT filesystem library #include <Adafruit_SPIFlash.h> // SPI / QSPI flash library #include <Adafruit_ImageReader.h> // Image-reading functions...
#include // Hardware-specific library #include // SD card & FAT filesystem library #include // SPI / QSPI flash library #include // Image-reading functions #include // Core graphics library #include // Hardware-specific library #include // SD card & FAT filesystem library #include // SP...
#include<Adafruit_SPIFlash.h> // SPI /QSPI flash library#include <Adafruit_ImageReader.h> // Image-readingfunctions 在不同的示例中,其中一行可能会有所不同,这取决于它编写用来支持的显示硬件。上面我们看到它和Adafruit_ILI9341显示屏库一起使用,这些显示库需要特定的套件,FeatherWings 系例板子或转接板。
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h> // Core graphics library #include <Adafruit_ILI9341.h> // Hardware-specific library #include <SdFat.h> // SD card & FAT filesystem library #include <Adafruit_SPIFlash.h> // SPI / QSPI flash library #include <Adafruit_ImageReader.h> // Image-reading functions...
It can be installed through the Arduino Library Manager (Sketch→Include Library→Manage Libraries…). Enter “imageread” in the search field and the library is easy to spot: That’s “imageread,” not “ermahgerd.” While you’re there, also look for the Adafruit_SPIFlash library and ...
#include <Adafruit_SPIFlash.h> // SPI / QSPI flash library #include <Adafruit_ImageReader.h> // Image-reading functions // Comment out the next line to load from SPI/QSPI flash instead of SD card: #define USE_SD_CARD // Color definitions ...
支持SPI和IIC接口 量程:0~20000hPa(百帕) 2 开发板测评 第一步:快速评测,直接使用官方编译好的固件 CLUE固件下载方式非常简单,将开发板上电后,按住A键不松,再按复位按键,就会进入到U盘升级模式,此时电脑中会出现一个U盘,名称为CLUEBOOT。此时,将资料文件夹内的CLUE_TEST.UF2文件复制进去,即可完成升级,升级后,...
Companion library for Adafruit_GFX to load images from SD card or SPI Flash Requires Adafruit_GFX library and one of the SPI color graphic display libraries, e.g. Adafruit_ILI9341. IMPORTANT NOTE: version 2.0 is a "breaking change"from the 1.X releases of this library. Existing code WILL...
Adafruit_TinyFlash.zip独厮**fe 上传13.82 KB 文件格式 zip Barebones Winbond SPI flash library for Arduino and Trinket 点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 多路查找树2-3树 2024-12-29 23:45:44 积分:1 ZProRx.Formula 2024-12-29 23:45:12 积分:1 ...
Adafruit SPIFlash This will let you read/write to the onboard FLASH memory with super-fast QSPI support Adafruit Zero DMA This is used by the Graphics Library if you choose to use DMA Adafruit GFX This is the graphics library used to draw to the screen If using an older (pre-1.8.10)...