Python Installation of BMP3XX Library You'll need to install theAdafruit_Blinkalibrary that provides the CircuitPython support in Python. This may also require enabling I2C on your platform and verifying you are running Python 3.Since each platform is a little different, and Linux changes often,...
Re: BMP388 on I2C Postbykamran_safi»Wed Sep 18, 2019 3:05 pm Back after a while (solving other issues mainly with the Ultimate GPS Logger shield). I have now BMP388, along with a LM35DZ. I use the adafruit library to read out the BMP388 (Adafruit_BMP3XX.h) and use the LM35...
Matter_Devices_Dashboard roundedHeavy-26.bdf tft_bg.bmp Meowsic_MIDI MetroX_CircuitPython Metro_M7_Examples Metro_Matrix_Clock MicroPython_NeoPixel_Blink MicroPython_WiFi Microcontroller_Benchmarking Milk_Jug_Glow_Skull Minecraft_Gesture_Controller Minecraft_Turbopad Minesweep Mini_Chair_Swing...
Library for Adafruit ILI9341 displays. Contribute to adafruit/Adafruit_ILI9341 development by creating an account on GitHub.
The BMP3xx has better precision than ever, which makes it excellent for environmental sensing or as a precision altimeter. It can be used in either I2C and SPI configurations. Adafruit NeoPXL8 FeatherWing and Library NeoPixels to the max!
* Part of Adafruit's GFX graphics library. Originally this class was * written to handle a range of color TFT displays connected via SPI, * but over time this library and some display-specific subclasses have * mutated to include some color OLEDs as well as parallel-interfaced ...
Fully-assembledpHAT-format board, same size and shape as a Pi Zero *65x30x8.5mm). Will fit and work just fine on any modern Pi with a 2x20 connector Compatible with all 40-pin header Raspberry Pi models Python library with tons of example scripts to read and graph data ...
(logo_bmp, LOGO_WIDTH, LOGO_HEIGHT); // Animate bitmaps } void loop() { } void testdrawline() { int16_t i; // 清理缓存 display.clearDisplay(); // Clear display buffer for(i=0; i<display.width(); i+=4) { display.drawLine(0, 0, i, display.height()-1, SSD1306_WHITE);...
Unified sensor driver for Adafruit's BMP085 & BMP180 breakouts - Blaming Adafruit_BMP085_Unified/Adafruit_BMP085_U.cpp at e82d4a8c0277baceab03deee64b7918566b5871d · adafruit/Adafruit_BMP085_Unified
examples OLED_featherwing ssd1306_128x32_i2c ssd1306_128x32_spi ssd1306_128x64_i2c ssd1306_128x64_spi ssd1306_128x64_spi.ino scripts .gitignore Adafruit_SSD1306.cpp Adafruit_SSD1306.h CMakeLists.txt ...