begin statements; returnreturn_value; endfunction_name; 为该函数的名称;parameter_specification是这个函数所要使用的参数,是可选的;declarations是声明一些局部的新类型、变量、函数、过程;statements则是该函数要执行的语句。return返回一个数据类型为return_type的return_value。将上一节的 comp 程序改动一下: funct...
5.3 case 语句(case Statement) 如果所要判断的变量有多种可能,并且每种情况都要执行不同的操作,if 语句很显然繁了一点,这时就使用 case 语句,格式为: case expressionis whenchoice1 => statements whenchoice2 => statements . . . whenothers=> statements end case; 判断expression 的值,如符合某项choice,...
AdaCore’s Fourth Annual Make with Ada Programming Competition Launches Today! 9/10/2019 AdaCore Expands its Presence in the UK to Support Thriving Aerospace and Defence Industries 8/14/2019 Code Dx and AdaCore Partner to Provide an Ada Application Security Testing Toolsuite ...
However, if we replace case M1 is by case (M1) is, (M1) is identified as a parenthesized expression, not as a name! This parenthesized expression is first parsed and evaluated, which might have implications in case statements, as we'll see in another chapter....
Programming concepts. Fundamentals of Ada – includes program layout, context clauses, strings, and the beginnings of a simple calculator which is extended in later chapters. Statements – covers If statements, assignment statements, compound conditions, the case statement, range tests, the null state...
##Conditional Statements Expand DownExpand Up@@ -57,49 +118,48 @@ end case; This is the simplest loop ```ada begin Index := 1; --initialization loop --code exit when Index = n; end loop; loop --code exit when Index = n; ...
theagency’sview,issuingguidanceoncyberspaceaccessibility.Theguidancefollowsalonghistoryofagencystatements, litigation,andattemptedrulemakings. TherecentagencyguidancehelpssolidifyDOJ’spositionthattheADAappliestowebsites,anditofferssomesuggestions abouthowwebsitescancomplywiththeADA.Itdoesnot,however,presentadetailed,un...
In C the end of the statement block between case statements is a break statement, otherwise we drop through into the next case. In Ada this does not happen, the end of the statement is the next case. This leads to a slight problem, it is not uncommon to find a switch statement in...
A limited form of raise statements Executable Contracts Functional contracts (pre- and postconditions) have a dual purpose in SPARK 2014. As in previous versions of SPARK, they can be used to specify the functional behaviour required from a subprogram, against which its implementation can be stati...