Video, Highlights of Ada Lovelace Day Live 2015doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.3428306.v1Charman-Anderson Suw
Women, Gender and Computing: The Social Shaping of a Technical Field from Ada Lovelace's Algorithm to Anita Borg's 'Systers' Despite the pioneering role of Ada Lovelace in the nineteenth century and countless other women who programmed the first electronic computers in the mid-tw... C Schlom...
Ada Lovelace Day is a week from today: Tuesday October 15. Ada Lovelace Day is a profile-raising day for women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Write or record something about a woman in STEM on October 15: Ada Lovelace Day in a nutshell Ada Lovelace Day is ab...
在那个女性地位极其低下的年代,美貌的Ada在技术领域辛苦奋斗,为同胞挣得了尊严。为了纪念她对计算机行业、对全球女性的突出贡献,2009年,Ada Lovelace Day设立,为全球STEM领域的成功女性提供平台,用以分享成功人生案例,鼓励突破性别障碍。而今年的Ada Lovelace Day是10月10日。 今年的活动照常吸引了一大批企业赞助支持,...
In honor of Ada Lovelace Day women bloggers from all over the world have pledged to write a blog post about a woman in technology whom they admire. When I considered the task I really wanted to impress my audience and identify some obscure academic that I don’t really know anything about...
🎉今天是AdaLovelaceDay! Ada Lovelace,是英国诗人拜伦之女,也是一位数学家,还是计算机程序的创始人。十三任博士与Ada有过会面,并在她的帮助下打败了Master😎 你对这位出色聪慧的女性有什么了解吗? #神秘博...
To celebrate Ada Lovelace Day, let’s introduce the women of Tindie, both sellers and staff: Tindarians These are the women who have made and are making amazing products for sale on Tindie: Addie Offline, Addie is a cardiovascular surgery nurse and a research study coordinator. Online, she’...
Lovelace, who was born in 1815, is considered the first person to recognise that computers had a much larger potential than mathematical calculation. A day was created in her honour more than 150 years after her groundbreaking work, to celebrate and highlight the achievements of women in STEM....
This is my Ada Lovelace Day post as promised in January. Today well over a thousand bloggers are posting posts about women in technology who they admire. The goal is the present role models to young women and girls as well as to highlight and honor the fact that technology is not just ...
Ada Lovelace Day has a special importance, not only as part of commemorating women’s contributions throughout history and their work in advancing science, but the fact that women always have played a role in the field of technology. Ada Lovelace also serves as an inspiration to new generations...