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for maintaining adherence of an overlying layer of a protective coating material, attachments of orthodontic brackets to tooth surfaces, attachments of inlays, crowns, and bridges to appropriately prepared teeth, fixation of prosthetic or orthopedic devices to bone and/or other biological tissue surfaces...
一个多月来出现头晕头痛,体重下降,食欲减退。失眠症状严重,每晚必须服药。脸色苍白,有焦虑抑郁情绪。意志减退,但尚能维持正常工作生活,在工作中曾出现失误。主动前来咨询。 心理咨询师观察了解到的情况:求助者原来性格开朗、乐观,从小追求完美,争强好胜。现在记忆力下降,注意力不集中。父亲有十八年的糖尿病史...