Bathroom Sinks: The rim of a bathroom sink should be no higher than 34 inches from the floor. The sink should also have clear knee space underneath, with a minimum height of 27 inches. ADA Compliance FAQ There's a lot of information to unpack when it comes to ADA compliance. We've co...
Other Accessible Bathroom Considerations While adhering to ADA vanity-sink requirements is a major component of being compliant in your restrooms, there is more to consider. The ADA also offers accessibility guidance and regulations for: Door width and swing Bathtubs Showers Toilets Stall size While ...
The ADA refers to bathroom sinks/hand-washing stations as “lavatories.” The rim of the lavatory must lie 34 inches or less above the bathroom floor; there must also be at least 29 inches of space between the floor and the bottom of the sink. There should be no non-insulated, exposed...