DualuseADCoption(receiveandtransmitDPD)forTDD 4D4A(4×3GSPSto12GSPSDACand4×1.5GSPSto4GSPSADC) SupportstransmitterIQinputdatarateupto1.5Gbps SupportsreceiverIQoutputdatarateupto2Gbps RFDAC/RFADCoutput/input−3dBbandwidthof5.2GHzand7.5GHz On-chipPLL(6GHzto12GHz)withmultichipsynchroniza-tionandoutput...
Main receivers are handled by the axi-ad9081-rx-hpc IIO device, The number of channels depend on the JESD mode (M) parameter and can vary from case to case. When using complex IQ, two channels index by _i and _q from a receiver. ...
-Tx/Rx channel bandwidth up to 1.6 GHz/2 GHz (4T4R) -Dual use ADC option (receive and transmit DPD) for TDD -4D4A (4 × 3 GSPS to 12 GSPS DAC and 4 × 1.5 GSPS to -4 GSPS ADC) -Supports transmitter IQ input data rate up to 1.5 Gbps -Supports receiver IQ output data rate u...