Machine learning is getting hotter day by day,but the problem which get machine learning used in industrial control will meet is that you have to collect enough data to train your algorithm. So I have tried to solve this problem by stm32f407zgt6 and AD7606.The uploaded code is just a ...
stm32spi主从模式程序 stm32f407zgt6中文手册 stm32f405rgt6引脚图 keil5怎么安装芯片包 stm32f407vet6中文手册 双向光耦原理 为什么keil5不能编译 read2302g芯片 stm32io口的八种工作模式 stm32f103rct6中文手册 相关问题 max232中文资料 MAX232芯片简介 MAX232芯片是美信公司专门为电脑的RS-232标准...