• STM32控制AD7190,读取数值不对是怎么回事? 277 • ad7190和arduino通信失败 2602 • AD7190 ERR状态位和RDY怎么理解 3435 • 使用AD7190获得两路输入,第二通道(AIN3~AIN4)数据一直慢慢变小是什么原因? 410 提交评论 3个回答 答案对人有帮助,有参考价值 0 您可以用我们的参考程序读读试...
I connect AD7190 to my STM32F217 boardthrough SPI2. I can read from configuration registers, when power on. For example, I read from Mode and Configuration registers their default values - 0x080060 and 0x000117respectively. So, I guess, that my schematic and SPI configuration are valid. B...