AD Search User Property Attributes AD 用户属性字段 Chn Display Name ADSearch Name 国际ISDN号码(其他)International ISDN Number (Others)internationalISDNNumber 帐户到期account Expires accountExpires 帐户名称历史account Name History accountNameHistory 加勒比国家联盟策略名称aCS Policy Name aCSPolicyName 管理流量统...
Is there an any possibility to change/Disable highlighted user attributes for particular users as below image ? All replies (1) Thursday, December 14, 2017 5:38 PM You could use the information in the article below to accomplish that: ... 如您还有其他疑问,请随时与我们联系。如果回答是有帮助的,请将其标记为答案,可以帮助其他社区成员快速找到有用的答复。
(Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter “(&(sAMAccountName=*)(!userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))” -SearchBase ‘OU=Users,DC=domain,DC=local’ ).Count But could also check if password has been set to never expire, etc. Attributes for AD Users : userAccountControl The Active Directory at...
ADSearchUserPropertyAttributes AD用户属性字段 ChnDisplayNameADSearchName 国际ISDN号码(其他)InternationalISDNNumber(Others)internationalISDNNumber 帐户到期accountExpiresaccountExpires 帐户名称历史accountNameHistoryaccountNameHistory 加勒比国家联盟策略名称aCSPolicyNameaCSPolicyName ...
AD Search User Property Attributes AD 用户属性字段 Chn Display Name ADSearch Name 国际ISDN号码(其他)International ISDN Number (Others)internationalISDNNumber 帐户到期account Expires accountExpires 帐户名称历史account Name History accountNameHistory 加勒比国家联盟策略名称aCS Policy Name aCSPolicyName 管理流量...
3. 必须启用Directory Extension Attributes,所选属性如下所示: 4. AD User Account标准信息,为了无缝地同步到Microsoft 365 Tenant,用户账户中必须满足一组条件,具体如下: 5. 如果所有上述属性都设置并满足条件,那么当AD和AADC下一次同步时,用户就会同步到Microsoft 365 Tenant中。
There seems to be a large argument between some of systems administrators we have worked with about the best way to determine exactly how an Active Directory account is stale or not.First, let's talk about the TWO main attributes on the account:#...
strfilter = "(&(objectCategory=Person)(objectClass=User))" strAttributes = "sAMAccountName,userPrincipalName,givenName,sn," & _ "initials,displayName,physicalDeliveryOfficeName," & _ "telephoneNumber,mail,wWWHomePage,profilePath," & _