Each classified ad will have to be clicked on to retrieve a unique code meaning that you will receiveFREE Trafficthroughout all 6 levels!!! How much FREE traffic can I expect? Lets be extremely conservative andassume that your page and everybody else's pages only get 10 sign ups: Hits t...
So I'm fairly new to actionscript 3 and to practice I made a script that when one of the three squares in the array is clicked it will move it to a random spot. there arent any compiler errors, but th...synchronizedList with multiple threads I have got the below sample code (uses...
rewardedVideoAd.onClose(res=>{// The user clicked the [Close Ad] button// For the base library version below 2.1.0, res is a undefinedif(res&&res.isEnded||res===undefined){// If the video plays to the end normally, game rewards can be sent.}else{// If the video quit in the ...
From here, you configure all desired password policies, as you would have in Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2, only now with a purpose-built editor.Fill out all required (red asterisk) fields and any optional fields, and then ...
How can i make a button bee clicked every 30 seconds How can I make a voice chat/text chat app in c# windows app form(.net framework)? How can I make Folder and Files not read only How can i make that i can run only one instance of my application ? How Can I Merge Two DataSet...
In the cost per click (CPC) pricing model, an advertiser pays an ad network only when a user clicks on an ad; in turn, the ad network gives a share of that revenue to the publisher where the ad was impressed. Still, advertisers may be unsatisfied with ad networks charging them for "...
Verify that the local farm is properly configured, currently available, and that you have the appropriate permissions to access the database before trying again Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Password' because it is null. Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Path' because it is null Cannot ...
5 Things You Need to Consider When Choosing an Ad Network. Which is the Best Ad networks? We have compiled a list of the best ad networks to help publishers to choose the one that suits them: 1.Amazon Publisher Services Whether you are a mid-sized publisher, small publisher, or a large...
One of the most profound shifts in the mobile ad industry is that mobile apps have become the major inventory for ads to be displayed in, replacing traditional mobile web. And the reason behind this transition is simply that most people spend their time browsing through their mobile devices, ...
Assists The number of conversions from other ads within the same account that were preceded by one or more clicks from this ad. An ad is considered to have assisted the conversion if it was clicked before the most recently clicked ad that was credited with the conversion. Additionally, the ...