Select-Object -Property "Displayname", @{n="ExpiryDate";e={$_.PasswordLastSet.AddDays($maxPasswordAge)}} 回车后显示此域内AD所有账号过期日期。 3、通过脚本进行查询AD账号在一段时间内过期状态: 1、在C盘路径下创建Script文件夹内放置脚本GetADUserPasswordExpiration.psm1,文件在此文档附件内。通过管理员...
对基于域的用户来说,通过 ADSI 接口的 WINNT:// 协议,可以简单的从 IADsUser::PasswordExpirationDate 获得这一信息;但对于 AD 的 LDAP:// 协议接口,这个字段并不存在,需要我们手工从帐号最后登陆时间 (pwdLastSet) 和用户所在域的帐号过期时间 (maxPwdAge) 自行计算。 ADSI 接口的 User 对象 schema 中定义了这...
Can AdminCount be set to 1 on any accounts in Active Directory Can an administrator override enforce password history and minimum password age settings in ADUC? Can DC be multihomed in Windows 2008 Server? Can I determine the AD site for a AD computer account? Can i have Multiple Domains ...
Accountex*,Password* # 配置AD用户的密码永不过期 Set-ADUser -Identity Albert -PasswordNeverExpires $true # 配置AD用户的账号60天后过期 $expirationDate = (Get-Date).AddDays(60) Set-ADUser -Identity Albert -AccountExpirationDate $expirationDate ...
#SET the max day before expiration alert $max_alert = 10 ### #SET the max password lifetime # In the future i rewrite to ask teh GP for the group. ### $max_pwd_life= get-maxPwdAge; $userlist = @() foreach ($objResult
是指在Active Directory(AD)中,每个用户帐户都可以设置一个到期日期,或者可以选择将帐户设置为永不到期。 概念: AD用户帐户到期日期是指在特定日期之后,用户将无法登录或访问其帐户。...
Sets the expiration date for an Active Directory account.SyntaxPowerShell 复制 Set-ADAccountExpiration [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [-AuthType <ADAuthType>] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [[-DateTime] <DateTime>] [-Identity] <ADAccount> [-Partition <String>] [-PassThru] [-Server <String>] [-...
change reminders, set a separate and less imperative password change reminder policy for them (that is, the OUs or Groups to which they belong). In fact, you can set a unique active directory password expiration reminder policy for every Group or Organizational Unit (OU), if you desired so...
'BEGIN OF PASSWORD EXPIRATION WARNING '*** numDays = maxpwdage dtVal = objUserLDAP.PasswordLastChanged'The latest date the user changed her/his password whenPasswordExpires = DateAdd("d", numDays, dtval) fromDate =Date daysLeft = DateDiff("d",fromDate,whenPasswordExpires) If(days...
Sets the expiration date for an Active Directory account. Syntax PowerShell Set-ADAccountExpiration[-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [-AuthType <ADAuthType>] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [[-DateTime] <DateTime>] [-Identity] <ADAccount> [-Partition <String>] [-PassThru] [-Server <String>] [-TimeSpan...