TimePeriod The time period of each report row. You may not include this column if the Aggregation element of the request object is set to Summary. For more information, see Time Period Column. TitlePart1 The title part 1 attribute of an ad. TitlePart2 The title part 2 attribute of an ...
<xs:simpleType name="AdGroupPerformanceReportColumn" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="AccountName" /> <xs:enumeration value="AccountNumber" /> <xs:enumeration value="AccountId" /> <xs:enumeration value="TimePeriod" /...
(b)Payment. Fees due by Client under this Agreement shall not be subject to any right of set off for any claims against Epom. Payments shall be remitted in advance, before the selected plan is activated or prolonged for the next period. All invoices shall be sent to Client at the addres...
AdTheorent predictive models help AdTheorent determine which advertising “impressions” (meaning, User web page or app visits or CTV viewing opportunities) are most likely to yield engagement and interest on the part of the User. AdTheorent models utilize the data made available to AdTheorent ...
The meaning of AD HOMINEM is appealing to feelings or prejudices rather than intellect. How to use ad hominem in a sentence. Did you know?
Frequency Capping is a strategy that limits the number of times a specific user sees the same ad within a defined time period. It helps prevent ad fatigue, improves user experience, and ensures efficient ad spend. GDPR (General Data Privacy Regulation) ...
The date and time that the risky user was last updated riskDetail riskDetail string Details of the detected risk riskLastUpdatedDateTime riskLastUpdatedDateTime string The date and time that the risky user was last updated. userDisplayName userDisplayName string Risky user display name userPrin...
The abbreviation AD stands for Anno Domini, a Latin phrase meaning "in the year of the Lord." This system, originating in the 6th century with Dionysius Exiguus, placed the birth of Christ as the pivotal point in history, dividing time into BC (Before Christ) and AD (...
One-Time Secret (獨立發行者) Oodrive Sign Open Brewery DB (獨立發行者) Open Charge Map (獨立發行者) Open Experience OpenAI (獨立發行者) OpenAI Assistants (獨立發行者) OpenAI GPT (獨立發行者) OpenCage Geocoding (獨立發行者) Open-Elevation (獨立發行者) openFDA Drug (獨立發行者) OpenLegacy IB...
Just like in the SetDailySchedule method, you provide a from and to period of time for the hour and minute enumerations and you specify a single day to which this schedule applies. If you need to set multiple days with different schedules, SetSchedule also allows you to create an array ...