ad hominem attacks 人身攻击 an argument ad hominem 一场对人而不对事的争论 ad hominem to the man 从个人偏好出发 Insult ad hominem 人身攻击的谬误 双语例句 Cannot get over the same ad hominem, non-evidence based argument being repeated here. 沉迷于不理性之中,无证据的论点在这里不断重复。
Ad hominem attacks can also be used as a way to dismiss someone’s argument without actuallyengaging with the substance of their argument. This is known as the “poisoning the well” fallacy,where someone attacks the credibility of the person making the argument before they haveeven presented ...
Have you ever argued with someone who has made personal attacks toward you? If so, you may have experienced ad hominem. Learn what ad hominem means and get examples of it so you can recognize it when it’s thrown at you (or when you use it toward someone else)....
Ad hominem attacks are a signal of defeat in a debate. 偏激的抨击是则是争辩中失败的象征。 5. So that's the difference between ad hominem attack, I don't know if that answered your question. 这是个人偏好攻击的不同,我不知道这是否回答了你的问题。 6. And ...
将“ad hominem"翻译成中文 人身攻击, 人身攻擊, 从个人偏好出发是“ad hominem"到 中文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:Strong concern was expressed about ad hominem attacks against mandate holders, which constituted intimidation. ↔ 会上有人对任务负责人遭到人身攻击的问题表示了严重关切,这种人身攻击已构成...
"Sweeping conclusions, ad hominemattacks, and guilt by association animate red-blue battles, particularly on social media, but lawyers are taught to use careful and focused arguments to make their points." — Robert K. Vischer, The Twin Cities Pioneer Press (St. Paul, Minnesota), 13 Dec. ...
Ad hominem. Ad hominem. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Thesead hominemattacks were not characteristic of Bill. Questi attacchiad hominemnon erano affatto tipici di Bill. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 And your response was first to ignore it, and then to make anad hominemattack. ...
ad hominem谬误举例 1. "I can't take your argument seriously because you're just a dumb teenager who doesn't know anything." This is an ad hominem attack because it attacks the person making the argument instead of addressing the substance of their argument. 2. "Of course you would say ...
Related to Ad hominum:Argumentum ad hominem ad hom·i·nem (hŏm′ə-nĕm′, -nəm) adj. 1.Attacking a person's character or motivations rather than a position or argument:The candidates agreed to focus on the issues rather than making ad hominem attacks against each other. ...
s initial claim. In many cases, an ad hominem argument is a response rather than an opening statement. It’s also important to recognize that not all attacks on an opponent’s personal attributes are ad hominem arguments. In some cases, an attack is simply an insult. Compare these two ...