The meaning of AD HOC is for the particular end or case at hand without consideration of wider application. How to use ad hoc in a sentence. Did you know?
They said they carried out an "urgent preliminary investigation" on Sunday which suggested the door policy had been changed "ad hoc". FromBBC Rather than an ad hoc workaround, pen and paper systems could be something staff practise using from time to time so that they can switch away from...
The meaning of AD-HOCRACY is a temporary organization or committee set up to accomplish a specific task; also : a system of government utilizing such organizations.
Ad hoc payments may also be made in the context of financial transactions, such as loans or investments. In certain cases, lenders or investors may provide ad hoc payments to borrowers or investees as a form of additional funding or support. ...
(ad 1621), and it is also strictly correct to omitinwhen ad is used, since this is already contained in the meaning of the Latinanno Domini(in the year of Our Lord), but this is no longer general practice. bc is used with both specific dates and indications of the period:Heraclitus ...
Usage Note:Those readers who have studied Latin will know that the prepositionadmeans "to" or "toward" and that thehominemofad hominemis an inflected form of the nounhomo("person"), making the literal meaning of the phrase "toward the person." But toward which person? Thoughad hominemis ...
What is the meaning of adhoc basis? DEFINITIONS1. done only when needed for a specific purpose, without planning or preparation. She has a veryad hoc approach to management. on an ad hoc basis: Members of the committee are elected on an ad hoc basis. ...
AD HOC Made to pleasure gives new meaning to luxury made-to-measureAD HOC EUROPE
But it all seems to put thead homineminto play in a way that it isn’t in the classic view. If someone regularly acquits themselves particularly dishonestly, that person is usually the sort to rely onad hocarguments. At least that’s been my experience. ...
Ad hocis a Latin phrase meaning "for this". It generally signifies a solution designed for a specific problem or task, non-generalizable, and not intended to be able to be adapted to other purposes. Compare A priori. Common examples are organizations, committees, and comm...