Error: awx.api.generics status 400 received by user admin attempting to access /api/v2/inventories/<userid>/ad_hoc_commands/ Resolution User should save the password in the credential on the tower. From Ansible Tower UI navigate to Resources - Credentials - Password. Fill in the password and...
ansible -h中将命令行工具叫做Ad-Hoc Commands,格式是: Copy Usage: ansible <host-pattern> [options] ad hoc——临时的,在ansible中是指需要快速执行,并且不需要保存的命令。说白了就是执行简单的命令——一条命令。对于复杂的命令后面会说playbook。关于命令中使用的模块,之后专门详细再做功课,这里先简单意会入...
"ansible_eth3": { "active": false, "device": "eth3", "macaddress": "52:54:00:04:00:b1", "mtu": 1500, "promisc": false, "type": "ether" }, "ansible_form_factor": "Other", "ansible_fqdn": "localhost.localdomain", "ansible_hostname": "localhost", "ansible_interfaces": [ ...
ansible all -B 3600 -a "/usr/bin/long_running_operation --do-stuff" \\后台执行命令 3600s,-B 表示后台执行的时间 ansible all -m async_status -a "jid=123456789" \\检查任务的状态 ansible all -B 1800 -P 60 -a "/usr/bin/long_running_operation --do-stuff" \\后台执行命令最大时间是 ...
ansible webservers -m service -a "name=httpd state=started" 8、时间有限的后台操作 # 在后台异步执行 long_running_operation,超时时间为3600秒(-B),没有轮询(-P) ansible all -B 3600 -P 0 -a "/usr/bin/long_running_operation --do-stuff ...
Ad-Hoc 是指ansible下临时执行的一条命令,并且不需要保存的命令,对于复杂的命令后面会说playbook。讲到Ad-hoc 就要提到模块,所有的命令执行都要依赖于事先写好的模块,默认安装好的ansible 里面已经自带了很多模块,如:command、raw、shell、file、cron等,具体可以通过ansible-doc -l 进行查看 。
A few examples of ad hoc commands are included in this line of code: $ ansible app-b-myum-a"name=MySQL-python state=present" These commands install aMySQL-pythonpackage on the app group. The-boption runs an operation withbecome. You can provide the username using–become-user. The-mopti...
什么是 ad-hoc commands 呢 ? 下面这样就是 ansible all -a "free -h" 也就是在命令行直接执行Ansible命令,不是我装逼,这个没找到很好的翻译,官方文档和一些国外的书籍都这么称呼 在命令行直接运行Ansible命令,基本上只存在于测试环节,甚至有时候测试都不用,毕竟生产环境都是写playbook管理,否则有点什么操作大家...
An Ansible ad hoc command uses the/usr/bin/ansiblecommand-line tool to automate a single task on one or more managed nodes. ad hoc commands are quick and easy, but they are not reusable. So why learn about ad hoc commands? ad hoc commands demonstrate the simplicity and power of Ansible...
ansible <pattern_goes_here> -m <module_name> -a <arguments> <pattern_goes_here> 指定host信息 <module_name> 指定模块 <arguments> 指定参数 常用示例 1、并行执行 # 重启 atlanta 组的机器,并发分支 10ansible atlanta -a "/sbin/reboot" -f 10 2、Shell 命令 #在 输出 helloansible...