From AD FS and Logon auditing, you should be able to determine whether authentication failed because of an incorrect password, whether the account is disabled or locked, and so forth. To enable AD FS and Logon auditing on the AD FS servers, follow these steps: Use local or doma...
Failed to execute Troubleshoot-DatabaseSpace.ps1 Check UPN and SIP match Skype for Business Online Message tracking script Recoverable deleted items Report Teams – Exporting Users In Emergency Location PowerShell – Teams Phone number Assignment Distribution Group based on Head of Organization Add users...
AD10 failed to find parts in the database AD10画好原理图转换成PCB时提示: failed to find parts in the database元件用的是系统装好就有的,自己画的两个也有封装,这是什么问题啊?菜鸟新手求教大佬们 z429461073 2018-05-15 19:22:11 四层PCB核心板设计实例分享——内电层电源平面分割 多层板设计中...
The component or property of the ad extension that failed editorial review.Add: Read-only Update: Read-only Delete: Read-onlyEditorial Reason CodeA code that identifies the reason for the failure. For a list of possible reason codes, see Editorial Reason Codes.Add: Read-only Update: Read-...
The term that failed editorial review. This field will not be set if a combination of terms caused the failure or if the failure was based on a policy violation. Add:Read-only Update:Read-only Delete:Read-only End Date The ad extension scheduled end date string formatted asMM/DD/YYYY. ...
AD10 failed to find parts in the database AD10画好原理图转换成PCB时提示: failed to find parts in the database元件用的是系统装好就有的,自己画的两个也有封装,这是什么问题啊?菜鸟新手求教大佬们 z429461073 2018-05-15 19:22:11 AD10的PCB转换成Protel99SE导致覆铜消失该如何解决和将AD10的pcb...
output_file- (Optional) File name where to save data source results (after runningterraform plan). status- (Optional, ForceNew) The status of directory. Valid values:REGISTERING,REGISTERED,DEREGISTERING,NEEDCONFIGTRUST,CONFIGTRUSTFAILED,DEREGISTERED,ERROR,CONFIGTRUSTING,NEEDCONFIGUSER. ...
If the CE Task Status is SUCCESS, save the analysisId and proceed to step 3 If the CE Task Status is FAILED or none of the above, break the build If step 2 has been attempted sonar.buildbreaker.queryMaxAttempts times, break the build Call the ${}/api/qualitygates/projec...
output_file- (Optional) File name where to save data source results (after runningterraform plan). status- (Optional, ForceNew) The workspace status. Valid values: REGISTERING: The workspace is being registered. REGISTERED: The workspace is registered. ...
NTDS Inter-site Messaging1373The Intersite Messaging service could not receive any messages for the following service through the following transport. The query for messages failed. Cause The-2146893022\0x80090322\SEC_E_WRONG_PRINCIPALerror code isn't an Active Directory error. It may be returned ...