答:当原理图绘制完成且器件的封装都进行了分配,然而在导入PCB的时候出现Cannot Locate Document报错,如图5-55所示。 图5-55 出现这种报错的原因是由于所创建的PCB文件没有进行报错所导致的,此时,只需要利用快捷键CTRL+S选择工程所在路径下进行保存就可以成功导入了。
原理图的封装也导入了,为什么不能导入PCB里?Error: Cannot locate Document 东少20162019-04-10 07:35:34 为什么PCB板上没有显示Allegro软件导入的网表? 很多刚开始接触这个Allegro软件的同学,就有这样的疑问,我的原理图的网表都已经导入到PCB中了,为什么PCB板上什么都没有呢?元器件、飞线等都没有。其实,只要是...
原理图的封装也导入了,为什么不能导入PCB里?Error: Cannot locate Document 东少20162019-04-10 07:35:34 原理图如何导入PCB PCB之前,一般会先导入DXF板框,从而限定元器件摆放的整体位置。 正式打开软件过程中,不同于原理图的创建使用的是PADS logic,PCB的设计又是另外一个软件,使用的是PADS layout。导入DXF的操...
答:AD软件提供了一个非常方便且快捷的拼板功能,也就是拼板阵列功能,当执行这个功能之后,在其属性中是可以输入拼板之间的横向间距及纵向间距的相关参数,但是由于AD软件默认属性框大小的原因会导致无法找到输入相关参数的位置,如图5-95所示 图5-95 遇到这种情况,解决办法为鼠标选择属性框边缘向外拖拽,从而将属性框进...
Enabling IRM on Sharepoint forces users to use Sharepoint as a distribution method. It does this by only giving rights to the downloading user (and the SharePoint service user account), so the document cannot be forwarded. Even if the document is forwarded to someone who has rights to it ...
Please note those values cannot be viewed again, except for immediately after creation. You don't need the Secret ID. In this case the value is: ~4y8Q***ql which is the second information you will require to finish the configuration on the IAS side. Summary Client ID: 0b35d68a-8...
These then are added as required models by default and cannot be removed. Use the Add and Remove controls for the region to add/remove other model types as required. Specifying a model type does not mean the component definition has to use it, but rather adds a field for that model type...
Xml.XmlDocument Cannot convert xml file Cannot establish remote PS session using IP. Cannot find an overload for ".ctor" and the argument count: "2" Cannot find an overload for "op_Subtraction" and the argument count: "2". Cannot find drive. A drive with the name '"C' does not ...
1、首先在电脑上打开Altium designer软件,新建一个项目文件(project),然后再新建一个原理图文件。2、为了偏于演示,在这里绘制一个简单的原理图。3、然后再新建一个PCB文件,最后对所有文件进行保存。一定要确保所有文件都保存成功。4、然后在PCB文件界面中,点击菜单选项“设计”下的“Import changes...
Explanation You cannot run the addNode command on a node that has already been added to a cell. Action Do not attempt to run addNode twice on the same node. ADMU0034E: The node/cell name of the node being federated with addNode must have a different name than the cell name of ...