Install the free app forYouTubeto your browser and enjoy faster loading and ad-free video websites available in the Chrome Web StoreTry free now Add-ons for Firefox Video AdBlocker is absolutely free Video AdBlocker - free and easy utilization ...
YouTube是全球最大影音平台,用户若在观看影片时不想被广告打扰,除了付费订阅YouTube Premium会员之外,有些人会使用“Ad Blocker(广告拦截器)”的外挂方式阻挡广告,然而近期国外有网友发现YouTube官方已悄悄开始针对使用“Ad Blocker”的用户祭出严格禁令。 根据外媒《Bleepingcomputer》报导,国外Reddit论坛有网友发现,在观看...
报告AdBlocker for YouTube™ 加载项的滥用行为 如果你认为此加载项违反了 Microsoft Store 内容策略,请使用此表单。 选择滥用类别 * 威胁、网络欺凌、骚扰 骚扰是旨在打扰或扰乱一个人或一群人的任何行为。威胁包括任何自杀、暴力或伤害他人的威胁。 儿童危害或剥削 与儿童色情、儿童裸体或其他儿童虐待或剥削有关...
Reddit用户Reddit_n_Me发现,开着Ad Blocker看YouTube时突然弹出窗口,警告用户将在播放3支视频后锁住。主警告下方有“你似乎正在使用Ad Blocker”及建议用户订阅无广告打扰的YouTube Premium三点说明。YouTube打击Ad Blocker越来越主动,但仅对部分用户。另外用户表示,Ad Blocker系列之一的uBlock Origin未受YouTube打击...
Adblocker For YouTube Videos Can Removes all YouTube™ video and text ads. Lightweight and safe, with minimal required permissions. This app helps to removes a…
Adblocker For YouTube Videos Can Removes all YouTube™ video and text ads. Lightweight and safe, with minimal required permissions. This app helps to removes a…
AdBlocker for YouTube™ allows you to remove annoying contents from your YouTube.Some important features:1. Fast and lite performance.2...
Video AdBlocker is one of the most useful extensions for browsers, which allows to disable ads on the most popular video websites.The extension...
Block ads & trackers on Android devices with Free Adblocker Browser. Browse fast. Protect your privacy and stay away from viruses, malware, and other scams.
Adblocker for YouTube - Ultimate 是一款创新的浏览器扩展程序,旨在消除 YouTube 上的广告并提供不间断的观看体验。它具有先进的算法,可以阻止所有广告,包括嵌入视频本身的广告,并可以加快视频播放速度,减少缓冲时间。它为用户提供定制选项,以定制他们的广告拦截首选项和增强的隐私功能,以阻止跟踪 cookie 和在线跟踪器...