AdBlock for iOS 让你在 iPhone 上和其他 iOS 设备上轻松拦截广告。它可以快速拦截数百万个网站上的广告,加快页面加载时间,让浏览重新变得快乐。 拦截广告 向Facebook、YouTube 和其他网站上的广告说再见 提高隐私性 拦截跟踪代码,防止广告商跟踪你的上网行为。
iPad iPhone 描述 Ad Blocker是一款可用於Safari、谷歌等多個瀏覽器的廣告攔截工具。我們不僅能有效攔截彈窗、貼片等網頁廣告,還能過濾成人內容,防止第三方惡意軟件追踪,讓你免受廣告打擾和惡意網站的追踪,避免個人數據洩漏,保護個人隱私和財產安全。 主要功能 【廣告攔截】 -攔截多種類型的網頁廣告,包括彈窗、貼片、橫...
To begin, here’s a quick look at a few ofthe best free ad blockers for iPad and iPhone. Many iOS ad blockers are built to work with Safari, so we’ll be focusing mostly on those. If you use a different browser, you may need to consider other options. In any case, here are t...
Screenshots iPhone iPad Description Stop Ads with your Ad Blocker Are you tired of intrusive advertisement? If you are tired of ads, you just need to get AdBlocker - No Ads and Safe. This AdBlocker app allows you to block ads on your iOS device. “Ad Blocker” is safe, secure, fast ...
AdBlocker Pro: Safari浏览器的广告拦截器 4+ 隐私保护扩展,加速器插件,净网大师 Crypto Inc. 4.7 • 4,309 个评分 免费 提供App 内购买项目 截屏 Mac iPhone iPad Apple Vision 简介 保存数据,并提升Safari的速度 —— 拦截广告、跟踪器、不必要的资源,并绕开反拦截程序检测器。 跟以下内容说再见: •...
“It works and feels as if Apple themselves had designed an ad blocker.” - John Gruber, Daring Fireball Experience a cleaner, faster web browsing experience on your iPhone, iPad and Mac. Built for you and Safari: • Uses the native content blocker API in Safari to provide the fastest,...
1Blocker lets you block ads, trackers, and other unwanted web content. It's easy to use and doesn’t slow down Safari. 1Blocker comes with over 120,000 built-in blocker rules. It is very configurable and all your settings are synced over iCloud.
iOS 或 iPadOS App:运行iOS 14或iPadOS 14或更高版本的 iPhone、iPad 或iPod touch。要测试轻 App,你需要安装iOS 14或iPadOS 14或更高版本。 macOS App:运行macOS 12或更高版本的Mac。 Apple tvOS App:运行Apple tvOS 14或更高版本的Apple TV。
AdBlocker for Safari 简介:保存数据,并提升Safari的速度 —— 拦截广告、跟踪器、不必要的资源,并绕开反拦截程序检测器。 Fish Fly Fever 简介:“完美”-技术雷达,鱼翅热是一种色彩斑斓、杂乱无章的可爱造型,带有催眠的声带。控制微小的鱼飞,绕圈旋转,用尾随的气泡击败敌人。 PDF it All Document Converter 简...
Why it's useful: When I needed more control over specific types of content, 1Blocker was up to the task. You may also like thebest ad blockers for Macarticle. How to enable ad blockers on iPhone and iPad Once you've chosen your best adblock for iOS, you'll need to take one impor...