uBlock Adblocker Plus is a freeAccessibilityExtension for Chrome. You could download thelatest version crx fileorold version crx filesand install it. This is the latest and also the fastest adblock that you can get for Google Chrome. Completely redesigned for a simpler and more intuitive experien...
PureBlock uses GPT4 to eliminate ALL ads, even the ones inside your video! It is an innovative and highly effective Chrome extension that provides...
uBlock Plus Adblocker是Google Chrome浏览器的最佳adblock解决方案!它结合了当前广告拦截器的最佳技术,以及其他地方未找到的其他功能。这是一个全功能的广告拦截器,适用所有网站,以及隐私保护,恶意软件阻止和弹出窗口拦截器的附加益处。高度可配置和高效率,同时易於CPU,内存(RAM)和系统资源消耗。 新版特征 无 下载地址...
Google has removed today two extensions from the Chrome Web Store. The two extensions were fully functional ad blockers, but they tried to deceive users by using the names of other more reputable ad blocker extensions. But besides using misleading names to hijack and deceive other extensions' us...
uBlock Plus Adblocker是Google Chrome浏览器的最佳adblock解决方案!它结合了当前广告拦截器的最佳技术,以及其他地方未找到的其他功能。这是一个全功能的广告拦截器,适用所有网站,以及隐私保护,恶意软件阻止和弹出窗口拦截器的附加益处。高度可配置和高效率,同时易於CPU,内存(RAM)和系统资源消耗。 新版特征 无 下载地址...
However, Hill is most worried that if ad blockers are restricted to only using the declarativeNetRequest API, uBlock Origin and uMatrix will be ruined. Hill also notes that it will be impossible for other ad-blocker developers to build new and novel filtering-engine designs. ...
uBlock Pro是在uBlock的基础上增加了一些额外的屏蔽列表,特别是针对未来的Fairfilter、Sourcepoint、Addefend等adblocker-blocker(目前正在进行中)!尽管它的内存和 CPU 占用空间较低,但 uBlock 与其他流行的拦截器相比,它可以加载和执行数以千计的过滤器。 uBlock 不仅仅是一个“广告拦截器”:它不仅带有各种内置列表来...
SuperBlock Extended是一个全新的Adblocker。我们已经完全重写了我们的软件,以提供更快更好的Adblocker。它具有比我们的传统SuperBlock Pro更多的功能,它基于Adblock for Chrome(但更新了更好的过滤器,当然更快)。我们将支持两个版本的更新,自动过滤器订阅更新,错误修正等。
AdBlocker Stands Chrome Extension AdBlock Stands: Ad Blocker for YouTube, Video Ads, Facebook, Website, Popup and More. Protect Your Browsing Experience for Free! Download uBlock Pro Chrome Extension Finally, an efficient blocker. Easy on CPU and memory. Download Genius PRO : Adblocke...
Alerts you if the ad blocker has removed something you might want to see, like a comments section Cons Focused mainly on blocking trackers, so some ads may display sometimes Expensive paid apps uBlock uBlock is a browser extension and desktop app combo that prevents ads and trackers with a...