这是一款简单易用的广告拦截扩展程序,可以拦截超过80%的广告横幅,包括浮动广告、广告栏和弹窗。此外,它还可以拦截来自主流视频网站的视频广告,让您享受会员般的观看体验。目前,它支持拦截来自Youtube、Google Ads Video、Naver Video、Kakao Media、搜狐视频、腾讯视频、芒果TV、爱奇艺、Playeur、Telemundo、烂番茄和Ni...
向A-Blocker打个招呼 - 这是一款认真对待的广告拦截器。我们拦截所有类型的广告,简单明了。没有花俏的文字,没有“可接受的广告”胡言乱语。🛡️ A-Blocker的优势 🛡️✅ 广告完全消失:A-Blocker清除所有广告 - 媒体广告、视频广告、弹窗广告 - 无所不包。享受一个更清洁、没有干扰的在线世界。✅ ...
AdBlock for EdgeMicrosoft Edge是一款快速、高质量的网页浏览器,让用户能够以安全快捷地方式浏览网络。 而且AdBlock 在 Edge 中运行良好。 AdBlock for Edge会拦截网站上所有令人厌烦的干扰广告,将Bing、YouTube、Facebook以及您最喜欢的所有网站上的广告移除。 AdBlock 入选微软“编辑精选”的“最佳扩展”之一,保护您...
Good ad blocker, blocks annoying ads on websites. Ethan I literally see no ads on YouTube! What is AdBlock for Edge? AdBlock for Edge is a powerful ad blocking extension. AdBlock is trusted by millions of Edge users worldwide to stop annoying ads, block pop-ups, help protect their ...
不知从何时起,即使裸奔,喜爱的Edge、Chrome、或者firefox浏览器也无法访问某些之前经常访问的网站,弹出Please Disable AdBlocker的弹窗,无法下一步显示正常内容,自己百思不得其解:新安装的系统,浏览器再没安装过屏蔽广告的插件,何故也弹出Please Disable AdBlocker的弹窗?在电脑里搜索了adblocker无果,在网络上度娘,谷...
YouTube AdBlocker This repository contains an extension designed to block irritating ads on YouTube, providing users with a seamless and uninterrupted viewing experience. Enhance your time on YouTube by eliminating unwanted interruptions. YouTube AdBlocker Installation Steps Chrome Microsoft Edge Mozill...
By allowing publishers to generate revenue even when users have ad blockers enabled, RevContent stands out as a potential alternative to AdSense ads which are more likely to be blocked by ad blockers. Therefore, if the ability to earn revenue in spite of ad blockers is a priority, ...
Image size-based ad blockers In cases where an ad server is called but images are blocked, the Microsoft Advertising script detects no creative object. The ad impression is counted (the ad server counts it too, so numbers remain consistent), but the ad is not viewable. See theObject Detect...
Many of the comments after that devolved into 1:1 support and allegations about compromises (or compromise attempts) which do not appear to be related to Nano Adblocker/Nano Defender. The chance that there is another site which has been abused or accessed by the developers on many users' ...
Image size-based ad blockersIn cases where an ad server is called but images are blocked, the Microsoft Advertising script detects no creative object. The ad impression is counted (the ad server counts it too, so numbers remain consistent), but the ad is not viewable. See the Object ...