要安装加载项,你需要新版 Microsoft Edge。下载新版 Microsoft Edge✕报告 广告拦截大师(Adblocker) 加载项的滥用行为 如果你认为此加载项违反了 Microsoft Store 内容策略,请使用此表单。 选择滥用类别 * 威胁、网络欺凌、骚扰 骚扰是旨在打扰或扰乱一个人或一群人的任何行为。威胁包括任何自杀、暴力或伤害他人的...
Incognito Adblocker Edgeasy (695)40,000+ 个用户 高效工作 获取 与你的浏览器不兼容描述 通过全新、强大的隐身广告拦截器,探索前所未有的浏览体验:您的安全在线隐私护盾! 使用我们的隐身广告拦截器,我们不仅仅是阻止广告 - 每次点击都在保护您的隐私!告别那些烦人的弹出式...
Microsoft Edge是一款快速、高质量的网页浏览器,让用户能够以安全快捷地方式浏览网络。 而且AdBlock 在 Edge 中运行良好。 AdBlock for Edge会拦截网站上所有令人厌烦的干扰广告,将Bing、YouTube、Facebook以及您最喜欢的所有网站上的广告移除。 AdBlock 入选微软“编辑精选”的“最佳扩展”之一,保护您的浏览器免受恶意...
不知从何时起,即使裸奔,喜爱的Edge、Chrome、或者firefox浏览器也无法访问某些之前经常访问的网站,弹出Please Disable AdBlocker的弹窗,无法下一步显示正常内容,自己百思不得其解:新安装的系统,浏览器再没安装过屏蔽广告的插件,何故也弹出Please Disable AdBlocker的弹窗?在电脑里搜索了adblocker无果,在网络上度娘,谷...
If you want to block ads on Twitch, AdBlock for Edge has you covered. AdBlock for Edge blocks ads in Twitch like no other ad blocker on the market. Simply install AdBlock for Edge, open the AdBlock menu, and select “Enable hiding of streaming ads on Twitch” on the General Options pag...
Adblock Plus –It is also a popular free ad blocker for Microsoft Edge. You can also add Adblock Plus extension for Edge from Microsoft Edge Extensions page to help you block ads in Edge. Besides, it also supports permitting some ads to appear, create and add websites to the non-block ...
If you use an ad blocker for Microsoft Edge, then it’s very likely you’ve come across a website that asks you to disable your ad blocker before you can access any content. Not to mention, you may…
What to look for in the best ad blocker for Edge? There are several factors that are important when choosing the best ad blocker for Microsoft Edge, concerning the quality and features of the service. Here are all the main aspects to take into consideration: ...
Edge AdBlockis a small, simple, standalone ad blocker program that allows you to block ads and banners in the Microsoft Edge browser. You don't need any extension or addon to block advertisements. With Edge AdBlock installed you will surf the web faster and safer. ...
AdGuard for Android is a perfect solution for Android devices. Unlike most other ad blockers, AdGuard doesn't require root access and provides a wide range of app management options. 9,9349934user reviews Excellent! AdGuard for iOS The best iOS ad blocker for iPhone and iPad. AdGuard eliminate...