10,000+ 个用户 高效工作 与你的浏览器兼容 描述 The best adblocker extension against advertising and pop-ups. Blocks ads on Facebook, YouTube and all other websites. Adblocker effectively blocks all types of ads on all web pages, but with less usage on system CPU and memory. What...
Adblock - stop ads on every site. The #1 utility AdBlock that blocks all type of ads including unobtrusive and invisible. The most advanced Adblocker for all ads on each website you visit including pre-roll video ad, text ad, pop unders, banners, malware, viruses, tracking and much more...
Adblocker For YouTube Videos Can Removes all YouTube™ video and text ads. Lightweight and safe, with minimal required permissions. This app helps to removes a…
广告猎手,一款致力于为Safari用户提供更好的网页浏览体验的扩展工具,可以为你提供更好的网页广告过滤体验。 已收纳上万余条的广告过滤规则,支持过滤规则动态更新,随时随地为您的网上旅程保驾护航。 【如何使用】 安装后,请在设置->Safari->内容拦截器,找到广告猎手,并全部开启。
广告猎手,一款致力于为Safari用户提供更好的网页浏览体验的扩展工具,可以为你提供更好的网页广告过滤体验。 已收纳上万余条的广告过滤规则,支持过滤规则动态更新,随时随地为您的网上旅程保驾护航。 【如何使用】 安装后,请在设置->Safari->内容拦截器,找到广告猎手,并全部开启。
IT 之家 11 月 8 日消息,科技媒体 9to5Mac 昨日(11 月 7 日)发布博文,报道称苹果公司在 tvOS 18.2 最新 Beta 更新中,引入了名为 "AdBlocker" 的全新框架,避免用户观看电视广告时,误触发 Siri 的问题。 IT 之家注:苹果公司在 iOS 8 中引入了 "Hey Siri" 语音命令,用户无需按任何按钮,只要说出这个唤...
IT 之家 11 月 8 日消息,科技媒体 9to5Mac 昨日(11 月 7 日)发布博文,报道称苹果公司在 tvOS 18.2 最新 Beta 更新中,引入了名为 "AdBlocker" 的全新框架,避免用户观看电视广告时,误触发 Siri 的问题。 IT 之家注:苹果公司在 iOS 8 中引入了 "Hey Siri" 语音命令,用户无需按任何按钮,只要说出这个唤...
Opera is the first major browser that comes with built-in ad blocking. Block ads and load web pages up to 90% faster. Read more at opera.com!
Validation Process The validation process from Samsung is designed to make sure that the interface between the add-on app and Samsung Internet for Android is working properly, and the add-on app can be properly enabled and disabled from Samsung Internet for Android. The intent of the validation...
To block ads on Microsoft Edge in Windows 10, you can add one of the 5 best free ad blockers for Edge introduced above or any other favorite ad blocker extension to help you automatically block ads. Is there an adblock for Microsoft Edge? There are many ad blockers for Edge, and many...