I am trying to build an enable bitlocker step into a Windows 10 task sequence but when the deployment comes to that process the task sequence stops with these errors in the smsts.log: 'ProtectKeyWithNumericalPassword' failed (2147943717) Failed to create recovery password. Ensure that Active Di...
在Windows 10加入Azure AD后,BitLocker RecoveryKey默认存储在Azure AD而非OneDrive,这为企业的数据安全提供了额外的保障。进行Windows 10设备加入Azure AD的步骤相对简单。在设备初次设置(OOBE)时,用户可以选择直接加入,或者在系统安装完成后通过以下步骤进行操作:使用管理员权限登录Windows 10,打开设置...
Escrowing BitLocker recovery keys to Azure AD is great functionality but I have been asked to find an audit trail when a user or administrator accesses the...
Figure 2. Bitlocker step in TSThe issue we have seen is that some customers believe that this is all that is required to save the recovery key to active directory.In order for MDT to save the recovery key to active directory you must at a minimum enable the following group ...
backup and restore a specific registry key in powershell Backup Bitlocker recovery key in AD on existing bitlocker domain computer Bat file to be ran as admin in powershell Batch File or script to change reg value batch file that exports registry key Batch printing Publisher files with 'Microsof...
當BitLocker 無法自動解除鎖定 Windows 中的加密磁碟驅動器時,需要 BitLocker 修復金鑰。 此金鑰是 48 位數的數位,用來重新取得磁碟驅動器的存取權。 啟動時,系統可能會提示您輸入 BitLocker 修復金鑰,因為安全性風險或硬體變更: 您可能需要提供數據或外部磁碟驅動器的 BitLocker 修復金鑰,例如,如果您忘記解...
当BitLocker无法在 Windows 中自动解锁加密驱动器时,需要 BitLocker 恢复密钥。 此密钥是一个 48 位数字,用于重新获得对驱动器的访问权限。 在启动期间,系统可能会提示你输入 BitLocker 恢复密钥,因为存在安全风险或硬件更改: 可能需要为数据或外部驱动器提供 BitLocker 恢复密钥,例如,如果忘记了解锁密码: ...
Is there a way to sync bitlocker recovery key from OnPrem AD to AAD via AAD Connect server
Reads the BitLocker volume recovery information from an Active Directory for one or more computer volumes.SyntaxPowerShell 複製 Read-ADRecoveryInformation [-IgnoreVolumeRecoveryPackage] [-After <DateTime>] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-ResultPageSize <Int32>] [-SearchBase <String>] -Server <...
BitLocker recovery key is needed when BitLocker can’t automatically unlock an encrypted drive in Windows. This key, which is a 48-digit number, is used to regain access to the drive. You might be prompted for the BitLocker recovery key during startup, due to a security risk or ...