Ad Astra - On Digital & Blu-ray Ad Astra - IMAX Trailer Space-to-earth call with astronaut Nick Hague & Brad Pitt Ad Astra - Antenna Ad Astra - Mayday Call Ad Astra - Sounds of Space: Scored by Dev Hynes Ad Astra - Good Luck ...
Hell yeah, Ad Astra features a dune-buggy shoot-out on the moon! Moon pirates! Rabid baboons! Virgin Atlantic passenger rockets! Don’t worry, it’s also fun. Gray punctuates the emotional gloom with more than a few thrilling set pieces. Within the film’s first few minutes, Ray is fr...
However, I'd probably then be complaining that Ad Astra was predictable and devolved into typical sci-fi action. Sometimes there's just no pleasing me. I hate to criticize a movie because it's not something I think it should be. I should evaluate the movie I'm given, not the movie I...
moviebloggercom We loved reading @atomicfangirl review of The Flas LESS THAN KOSHER, the comedy-musical that had its “Beyond its fairly appropriate and much effectiv We were really lucky to get the chance to sit down Today we have been watching Trello & Suede and we ...
Ad Astra (2019) ……… Ad Astra Movie Review Ad Astrais a2019science fiction drama film directed byJames Grayand starringBrad Pitt. It’s another strong addition to the admirable pantheon of2010shardSFfeatures. ………. “The enemy up here is ...
状态:已完结 主演: 导演:Nedeljko Dragić 年份:1969 地区:南斯拉夫 语言:无对白 类型:动画/短片 频道:dy 上映:1969 更新:2024-12-01 16:06 豆瓣:0.0 大师兄影视预告片ad转换 评述 ad转换 Zagreb_电影
Like “Interstellar” and “Arrival,”“Ad Astra” begins chiefly on Earth, where the settings are only moderately futuristic; plenty of contraptions are remote-controlled or voice-activated, transactions are conducted through fingerprints or hand scans, and the surface of the moon is hotly ...
具体到Ad Astra,你可以看出来,电影很明显的是想一出是一出,只是随机的把一些元素扔进电影里。一开始的所谓“电涌”,这个基本的麦高芬设定就很成问题:这东西在科学上合理性在哪里?为什么一个几十年前的在遥远的海王星的飞船会造成这么大的灾害?你们为什么就这么确定这个所谓的“电涌”就是那个“利马计划”造成的吗...
Still, big space films likeAd Astraneed a lot of quiet time to invoke feelings of being alone with one’s thoughts. While the film delivers visually, with Hoyte van Hoytema’s (Interstellar) excellent camerawork and the performances mentioned above, I found the show-don’t-tell rule running...
Aspera Ad AstraRSS Reality (2022Feb01) Posted by XperDunn on February 1, 2022 Tuesday, February 01, 2022 1:52 AM Reality (2022Feb01) Let’s not fuck about—Reality is a fucking nightmare—and we are all cognizant of that simple fact. It’s the reason we are so careful to shield ...