Hell yeah, Ad Astra features a dune-buggy shoot-out on the moon! Moon pirates! Rabid baboons! Virgin Atlantic passenger rockets! Don’t worry, it’s also fun. Gray punctuates the emotional gloom with more than a few thrilling set pieces. Within the film’s first few minutes, Ray is fre...
I can think of any number of sci-fi filmsAd Astraseems to be paying homage to, but it’s also clear Gray looked to Joseph Conrad’sHeart of Darknessas a model for the plot. Calling this film “Spacepocalypse Now” would perhaps be going a bit too far, but the intentions do seem cl...
Like “Interstellar” and “Arrival,”“Ad Astra” begins chiefly on Earth, where the settings are only moderately futuristic; plenty of contraptions are remote-controlled or voice-activated, transactions are conducted through fingerprints or hand scans, and the surface of the moon is hotly ...
Ad Astra Movie Review Ad Astrais a2019science fiction drama film directed byJames Grayand starringBrad Pitt. It’s another strong addition to the admirable pantheon of2010shardSFfeatures. ………. “The enemy up here is not a person or a thing. It’s the endless void“ ……….. ………....
With echoes of Kubrick, Nolan, and even Malick, Ad Astra is a film that reaches for the stars in more ways than one. Indeed, there are moments in James Gray’s sci-fi epic where we see glimpses of a modern 2001: A Spacey Odyssey. Other times, Ad Astra flies a bit too close to ...
October 4, 2019David NusairA,New in Theaters0 A typically idiosyncratic James Gray effort,Ad Astrafollows astronaut Roy McBride (Brad Pitt) as he embarks on a deep-space journey to track down his long presumed-dead father, Clifford (Tommy Lee Jones). Filmmaker Gray, along with cinematographer...
Still, big space films likeAd Astraneed a lot of quiet time to invoke feelings of being alone with one’s thoughts. While the film delivers visually, with Hoyte van Hoytema’s (Interstellar) excellent camerawork and the performances mentioned above, I found the show-don’t-tell rule running...
Movie Review: Ad Astra Movies: Buzz Worthy or Buzzer? - - - - - - - - - - - ENID, OK - We will review many of the top movies being released today. Our goal is to let you know whether a new release is worth the "Buzz" or needs to get hit with the "Buzzer." We will ...
Ad Astra Review: Brad Pitt Shines In Ambitious Space Drama 7/10 Bolstered by a great Brad Pitt performance and outstanding technical filmmaking, Ad Astra is an ambitious work that doesn't quite hit all its marks. ByChris Agar
Ad Astra: James Gray द्वारा निर्देशित. Brad Pitt, Tommy Lee Jones, Ruth Negga, Donald Sutherland के साथ. एक अंतरिक्ष यात्री अपने प