AD 2000-Merkblatt ICS 23.020.30 May 2011 edition Manufacture and Manufacture and testing of joints AD 2000-Merkblatt testing of Non-destructive testing of HP 5/3 pressure vessels welded joints The AD 2000-Merkblätter are prepared by the seven associations listed below who together form the “...
德国工业标准AD_2000_E_W4.pdf,AD 2000-Merkblatt ICS 23.020.30 February 2005 edition Materials for pressure Tubes made from non- AD 2000-Merkblatt vessels, piping and accessories alloyed and alloy steels W 4 The AD 2000-Merkblätter are prepared by the s
AD2000_W4_2013E 下载积分: 999 内容提示: AD 2000-Merkblatt ICS 23.020.30 February 2013 edition Supersedes May 2008 edition; | amendments to previous edition AD 2000-Merkblätter are protected by copyright. The rights of use, particularly of any translation, reproduction, extract of figures...
_ ... 2000-Merkblatt Ac::;D ICS 23.020.30 May 2008 edition ,", pressure vessels (AfJI. JJwAO ... _ Materials Botts and nuts made from ferritic steels AD 20Q0-M ...kb!a1l nw _ _ __po : .,. ,~ 04.,.__ """~ , ,"'''AD2D(}(}ee",s._ . . ~ , . - ._--~...
1.1 AD2000-Merkblatter HP系列处理相关的牵涉到压力容器设计和制造的规则,以及整套压力容器或主要在静载荷下的压力容器,以及它们与非承压部件的连接,例如用焊接。这些Merkblatter是根据AD2000-MerkblatterW系列的要求,并且是由制造厂或相关的第三个方在制造前、中、后指定的试验。 1.2 如果有AD2000-MerkblatterHP系列...
AD 2000-Merkblatt S3/2-2004 特殊情况.压力容器稳定性的一般验证.鞍座上水平容器承载能力的验证本站其他标准专题: ad2000,s2,ad2000 a4,布鲁克s2,能级s2,s2辛醇,s2细胞,s2光谱波长,hd 483.1 s2,ph计s2,s2瞬 区别,ad2000 hp5/3,ad2000 w0 2016,s2光谱仪,梅特勒s2,hd402 s2,s2 操作规程,s2品牌,s4 s2级...
德国压力容器标准AD 2000-Merkblatt HP 5.3 (2015-04) (E).pdf,AD 2000-Merkblatt ICS 23.020.30 April 2015 edition Manufacture and Manufacture and testing of joints AD 2000-Merkblatt testing of Non-destructive testing of HP 5/3 pressure vessels welded joints